<p>Have all finalist been announced/contacted?</p>
<p>nope, semi-finalist are contacted by phone at end of February/beginning of march. final-finalist are invited to a weekend at Duke at end of March. Winner are notified a few days after that weekend. If you aren’t a sem-finalist/final-finalist, you won’t be notified. so if you didn’t get anything, that means you aren’t being considered. Hope that helped.</p>
<p>yes…i went on their website and it said that semi-finalists should be contacted on or by February 23. Apparently they haven’t contacted the semi-finalists since no one on CC has said anything about it. Maybe they will contact people this week! I just want whoever is chosen (hopefully from CC) to announce it so the rest of us can either anxiously wait for a Robertson’s email/call or simply cry because we weren’t chosen! lol</p>
<p>The anticipation is killing me</p>
<p>marydolphins, can you please show me where you saw the date on the website? all i can find is this:</p>
<p>it’s feb 23 per my email.</p>
<p>my email says by feb 23rd so i assume that means that they could let people know before that…anyone know how many applied. I’m an international student from London.</p>
<p>oh wow thats nxt monday, im soo excited, but not really cause i prob wont get it</p>
<p>Nothing like waiting for the last minute! Tomorrow’s the 20th and apparently no one has heard anything yet What are they waiting for?</p>
<p>aaaahhhh i hate waiting (not that i will get this but still…)</p>
<p>i hate this wait…plz god, let me at least be a semi finalist…</p>
<p>First of all, everyone needs to relax. You knew when you were nominated that this would be a crapshoot. Right now the odds are 20,000:1 against any one applicant. The odds are still probably 2000:1 against any one applicant when you factor in how many have great raw numbers and really interesting/impressive hooks. </p>
<p>Second, I have it on what I believe to be reliable authority that emails to those invited to interview by phone will be going out late Friday or Saturday. Watch the Robertson website for information that should be posted tonight or tomorrow. It makes sense, since posting it just before they leave for the weekend gives the Robertson folks a two-day reprieve from phone calls!</p>
<p>So good luck everyone. Just try to keep it in perspective. If you want to be humbled, run through the people who are current scholars. Pretty impressive group.</p>