Roll Tide Illinois

<p>Just found out that our HS in the SW Suburbs of Chicago is sending not 1, not 2 but 3 kids to Alabama!</p>

<p>D was the first and she was pretty vocal about the opportunities to her guidance counselor. When Bethany came to talk to students at the HS, my D grabbed another girl and brought her. She is now going to UA and we just found out that one of our CC runners is heading there on scholarship.</p>

<p>For a school that never sent anyone to UA to sending 3 in a year. Just had to share.</p>

<p>99 here today in Chicago…getting us ready for move in in August!</p>

<p>Glad your D is getting the word out and people are listening. I think when students, guidance counselors, and parents hear about UA from someone they know and trust they are more willing to give it the serious consideration it deserves. May have to add some express lanes to they highways between Northern Illinois and Tuscaloosa to accommodate the traffic :wink: RTR</p>