Roll Tide

<p>I can say with 98% certainty that I will be attending The University of Alabama for the fall 2014 semester!! Everything here absolutely blew me away! The campus is amazingly beautiful, the architecture is elegant, the people are so nice, and I just felt at home. Thank you to everyone who promotes UA on CC or I might not have ever heard about it. Special shout out to mom2collegekids for introducing me to the school! My visit today sealed the deal on my decision!</p>

<p>Glad to hear that your visit went so well.</p>


<p>What did your mom think?</p>

<p>I felt the same way when my family and I visited a few weeks ago. Congratulations on your decision!</p>

<p>Thanks to both of y’all!
I think that she is slowly warming up to the idea of me being so far away because she saw how much I liked it and how impressive the school was. I think she knows that this is my best option, but she is still hesitant to go all in with me because of the distance. A lot of the worries she had were alleviated by answers either on the visit or here on CC. I only hope she is soon as excited as I am.</p>

<p>I will tell you, and your mom, that seeing how HAPPY our daughter has been, how well she fit in, and how successful she has been in class and in making friends, has made it impossible to feel bad that she is far away from us.</p>

<p>Do we miss her? Heck yes, and probably always will…be we are so glad she has found her “place” that we can not begrudge her a moment of her time at BAMA.</p>

<p>In truth, we both wish we were students there ourselves…</p>

<p>Tell your Mom to often check in here and join the Facebook group.</p>

<p>Seeing how many families step up and can help a student out long distance really helped alleviate my stress. This parent group is just awesome :)</p>

<p>DS did not believe me when I told him of the number of students from our area. A week on campus and he had a strong cohort of Philly kids. </p>

<p>Your admissions recruiter will also be able to help you get in contact with families from your area.</p>

<p>I already know of 4 students from my area (not including our county seat of 100k) attending for fall of 2014 so I’m sure Ill come across more as well. </p>

<p>I have a question about Bama Bound. When is the best time to go, and should I attend a regular session or an honors session?</p>

<p>My oldest son attended Bama Bound in late June. He did not go to the Honors sessions because of schedule conflicts, including graduation. He had no trouble getting classes. </p>

<p>UA will offer an honors session in July (something that was not available when my son went), so you may want to wait if you have AP scores coming in.</p>

<p>If you identify roommates, then it is great to attend BB with them to meet prior to the beginning of school.</p>

<p>Awesome, Nickm56. Roll Tide and welcome!</p>

<p>As TXA recommended, if you do find a potential roommate, try and attend BB together. D and her roommate attended BB together, you have to check in with each other to room together. They spent both nights in the dorm.</p>

<p>Ill keep that in mind! I’m not sure whether to attend a Honors BB or regular. And my mom suggested going to BB ASAP after graduation for summer job purposes.</p>

<p>So very glad to hear that your visit went well! Welcome and Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Nick, my D went to BB before graduation. Her GC told her that a college orientation trumped anything at the HS other than AP tests and that they’d accommodate it over anything else. If you don’t graduate before those early honors sessions, you might check with your HS to see how they’d deal with you being away.</p>

<p>Thanks robotbldmom!!! </p>

<p>I will definitely ask her. I’m afraid I would have to use up all or most of my 3 “college days” though. Then again I don’t know why I’d need them. My GC is very quirky, but one of the nicest people you will ever meet, and she will be thrilled to hear of my scholarship to Bama.</p>

<p>Yes, our visit to UA went well and it does seem to be an amazing campus – and a good opportunity overall for Nickm56. Similar to Mizzou in many ways, except of course that UA is offering more automatic $$.</p>

<p>^^ There’s a lot to be said for more automatic money. ; )</p>

<p>We’re talking 40,000$ vs $105,800. Not a small difference. And the schools are similar in cost out of state.</p>

<p>That’s true!</p>

<p>So I’d say that 65,800$ is a good enough reason to write off a school, especially since private scholarships won’t change that number.</p>