Rolling Admissions

<p>With rolling admissions, does that mean that I can submit my application any time in the upcoming month and then find out UW's decision anywhere from 4-6 weeks after I submit it? Or do we not find out until the end of January?</p>

<p>Rolling admissions means they send students the decision as they make it instead of making everyone wait until a date in spring. Recently UW has promised an answer by January sometime for those who get their application in by November. You could get an answer sooner than that. Clear admits and denials are likely to hear soonest. The rest may have to wait until they evaluate more applicants so they know if there will be room. An answer may be that your decision is “postponed”- this means they haven’t decided and will do so by mid March. Your application is complete when UW receives all materials from all sources- you, testing services (ACT/SAT) and your school.</p>

<p>Rolling admissions allows students to make plans to apply to other schools if they are rejected. Postponed students also need to make alternate plans as they are not guaranteed a place and won’t find out until after application deadlines. A lot changes between now and April. Some students will apply to UW in January once they find out an early action/decision result from another school.</p>

<p>Very helpful as usual. Thank you tons!</p>