Room Number Released!

<p>sign onto bearfacts and go to address...then you can find out your room#! =]</p>

<p>Yeah, but mine is wrong. Apparently there is no such thing as rooms on the ground floor of Towle, yet there I am. Fascinating.</p>

<p>i lose, it just has my current address as my local one. =[</p>

<p>nice! do you think we can mail stuff to ourselves? lol</p>


<p>yay i thought i would have to wait</p>

<p>hmm i didn't get it... probably cause i am a unit 2 triple.</p>

<p>i am in a unit 2 triple too. go to:</p>

2) type in the Cal ID and passphrase
3) click personal
4) click address, its under local address</p>

2650 HASTE STREET #2278
BERKELEY , CA 94720-2278
(510) 664-xxxx</p>

<p>This means that I am on the first floor right? 103?</p>

<p>or is my room the 2278 ( cant imagine 278 dorms on one floor though ).</p>

<p>yup, you're on the first floor. i'm in room 103 too lol</p>

<p>At cunningham? (making you my roommate?)</p>

<p>Jeevis, 2278 is just your mailbox number. It's a security issue that schools assign different room and mailbox numbers. Zipcode 94720 is unique to UC Berkeley. People can actually send mail to:</p>

<p>UC Berkeley, CA 94720-2278</p>

<p>and the US Postal Service computers will recognize it as YOUR PERSONAL mailbox!</p>

<p>Thanks for the explanation, gsp</p>

<p>Does anyone know why some rooms on the first floor are 100 numbers and some (like mine) are G numbers... like G114? Just curious</p>

<p>Sorry, no idea. Where do you live?</p>

<p>Towle in Unit 2</p>

<p>how local address is for my house.
you think something's wrong?</p>

<p>so is mine. I don't know why...</p>

<p>Jeevis? So, my mailbox is also #2278 (if indeed what follows the 2650 Haste St. is your mailbox number), but we're in different rooms and we share a mailbox? confused.</p>