Roomate: Friend or possible foe?

<p>Next year when I'm in college i may have the opportunity to room with one of my very best friends. Would this be a bad idea for any reason? Will it be just as easy to meet people? The alternative is rolling the dice and seeing who I get. It may be a possibility to begin meeting new people instantly. Thanks for any help/advice.</p>

<p>I rolled the dice…and ended up with a ***<strong><em>bag. He brought his friends over, and they were *</em></strong>**bags. So I think you are better off rooming with someone you know or getting a private. There is a chance of being randomly paired with someone who is cool, but I think the chances of being stuck with someone you are uncompatible with as friends are greater.</p>

<p>Depends. Have you and your friend ever spent an extensive amount of time cooped up together?
Sometimes, when friends move in together, they either become closer friends or enemies(in my experience, I always got the latter.). </p>

<p>There are pros and cons on both sides. You have to weigh which is more important to you.</p>

<p>Not huge amounts of time but days here and there. I cant see my self ever hating him but im just wondering if having a roomate is an expirience that i will miss by staying with him.</p>

<p>I am rooming with a friend from high school. Not my best friend, but someone I know well. First semester was not good, but things have improved a lot lately. We get along well now.</p>

<p>Ive heard from people that rooming with someone you dont already know is better. They say that having a best friend compared to living with your best friend is really different. It would definitely give the oportunity to meet more people and whatnot. If you cant stand your roommate, you could request a room change.</p>

<p>I hear rooming with a best friend is not a good idea. It may seem fine at first, but later you guys will get on each others nerves.</p>

<p>Rooming with a best friend is a pretty terrible idea: or at least make sure you guys have a similar life style/sleeping schedule.</p>

<p>I lived with my best friend for a year or two at her house and it was pretty bad. I love her but we had totally different sleeping schedules (she sleeps at 10, I sleep at 2 in the morning) and she couldn’t sleep with the lights, computers, monitors, light stands on.I like working on my paper late into the night and she would try to bite my head off</p>

<p>I go back to her house every now and then but we make sure we sleep in different rooms lol.</p>

<p>Just remember when its a stranger you can always tell them to please bequiet or something awkwardly but its harder when its your friend. o_O you can mess up your entire friendship.</p>

<p>If my best friend and I went to the same school though, we would’ve probably ended up rooming together because we would still want to stick together. STILL would’ve been terrible though.</p>

<p>I had 4 different roommates so far and the random people weren’t so bad. Infact right now my roommates are perfect because they are mostly not here ROFL.</p>

<p>My random roommate freshman year was alright. We were both total slobs and liked to stay up late, though we didn’t have much in common beyond that. The following year I roomed with one of my friends from freshman year, and we wound up being even better friends after living together. We wound up staying roommates through the rest of college, so it was really nice not having to do the random roommate gamble every year.</p>

<p>Here in grad school my first roommate was the dirtiest person ever, my second roommate was a total clean freak, my third roommate I got along with fine, but he moved out since his friends found a sweet house where they needed one more and he was able to save about $100 a month on rent, and my current roommate is some crazy Russian physics guy who only ever eats chicken drumsticks and hotdogs. I miss my undergrad roommate. :(</p>

<p>“and my current roommate is some crazy Russian physics guy who only ever eats chicken drumsticks and hotdogs.”</p>

<p>LOL! :smiley:

<p>My freshman year I lucked out and picked random…got a quad, and got 3 awesome roomates. Now I live in greek housing with one of the brothers and everything he does seems to irk me…I recommend not living with a friend.</p>

<p>I don’t buy the belief that rooming w/ a best friend will ruin your friendship…</p>

<p>I would say go for it. If you really start having problems, you can try to switch roommates…</p>

<p>**and btw, they would not become a foe…the correct term in frenemy according to Mean Girls.</p>