<p>I am a engineering student and My curriculum is pretty tough. I have Differential equations, Modern Physics, Internal Operating systems and VLSI design courses. Now My roommate(who wants to be a cardiothoratic surgeon) and his friends are Biology, pharmacy or a special major called Biomedical sciences(which is for doctors to be). Now they are only sophomore and Ive always heard that the Pre-med courses and higher course of this type are hard. But are they really that hard? Now my classes are hard for me and I study a lot, the same is with my other friends who are in various disciplines of engineering. My roommate and the majority of his friends all had 3.8 or above Gpa's, my roommate specifically with a 4.0. Now these kids never go to class, they don't even open there books. Sitting here typing this now my roommates books are still sitting there from last semester next to my fridge, some still in there practice wrap and them still in the bag from the bookstore. He and his friends like I mentioned never go to class, they sit in there rooms and Play world of warcraft all day untill all hours of the night. They don't go to any classes so they don't get notes, they don't read the books, the only time they leave there rooms is to play poker, pool or go to the mall to buy clothes.</p>
<p>I just cant understand how the hell they do it. I know when I took General Chem I got a B- but I had to work hard for it. They are in organic chemistry and don't even read the books and don't go to class and get A's. How is this possible. I don't doubt that medical school is hard, as I know from my mother that it is very hard, but *** is this. How can these goons get such good grades with having like no commitment.</p>
<p>your lying! In my school missing 3 days of class is an automatic F. And i'm sure they wouldn't tell you every time they read their textbooks unless you stare at their textbooks 24/7 and see that they don't use it. I'm taking orgo I and the nomenclature makes me want to cut myself.</p>
<p>Trust me, there are students like this even in my medical school. Some kids have the ability to pick things up quickly. You attend lecture once, you learn the material by listening to the professor explain it, and then you go and take the test and get A's.</p>
<p>Or, you skim quickly over the chapter, pay attention to three or four relevant figures -- this can take as little as seven to eight minutes for some people -- and then you go and you ace the test.</p>
<p>Or you hang out with your study-hard friends, listen to them recite facts as they form a study group, and you absorb from them everything they know, except that they're reading it out of their books so you know it better than they do.</p>
<p>Students are different. Trust me. I went to one of the very best high schools and one of the very best universities in the country, and am now in medical school. You will always run into students like this.</p>
<p>A. Wikipedia
B. Other study sources and they do all their studying in the lirbary and come back to the dorm to goof off? (this is what i do :P )</p>
<p>Or you attend class once in a while and fill in the blanks on your own because you're really bright enough to figure it out.</p>
<p>I really have met kids that bright. You show them one carboxylic acid reaction and the rest are all really obvious to them. So they go to half of the first day of the last quarter of orgo and they don't go to class ever again.</p>
<p>kind of reminds me of myself in that i never go to class, except i cram like HELL the night before midterms, good thing my classes have streaming video lectures :)</p>
<p>I wonder if anyones like me. I passively read my orgo and cell bio text books and the scientific words are just completely blank to me. It's like a whole new language and I can't even pronouce it (acetyl blah blah blah). By the end I finish the chapter I can't remember what I read. But it's during the lectures that everything makes sense. It's almost like reading my textbooks was a waste of time.</p>
<p>I haven't done anything ever. I have just breezed by 1-12 even with AP classes and have never picked up a book. If I actually did homework and went to class I would have a 100 average. (In fact this last term I did have a 100 average without doing anything) Let's see if I can do the same in college, how hard can it be? Maybe easier since homework will count less.</p>
<p>Only thing that I've ever actually reviewed for has been calculus.</p>
<p>There are a few possibilities: (1) he cheats, (2) he lies to you about studying, (3) your school is really really grade inflated, or (4) he's a genius.</p>
<p>But if you're trying to say premed classes are easy I personally would have to disagree.</p>
<p>Prism, it's like totally opposite for me. Before the lecture, I have to read the chapter at least twice before I can understand what the professor is saying. It's hard since the science textbooks are really dense, but at least I am not completely stoned during the lectures.</p>
<p>I'm like Prism. I cannot get information out of the book, until I hear the prof explain everything in lecture first. I'm more of an auditory learner. :)</p>