Roomate Question

My DD does not have a roomate assigned yet in her Howdy portal. A young lady contacted her early in the summer and said she was her roomate but has not responded since to my daughter’s social medial contacts (heaven forbid she actually call her on the phone…!). I suggested my daughter contact TAMU and ask if she has a roomate assigned. They emailed back that she did have one and they would contact the girl and have her contact my daughter. This seems very odd to me - why don’t they also give my daughter her contact info? Has anyone else encountered something like this? She wants to handle it so I am not going to call Res Life. Any thoughts? Thanks so much!

They probably can’t give out her contact information without her permission.

The school should be giving both students the other’s contact information. Often students are required to set up an email via the college (not your perusal email or text). Then the schools give out that email so students can contact one another. Often after that initial contact students share their personal text and name as well as social media accounts. It all sounds very unusual to me.

Please ask your daughter not to be distressed over this.

My son is in the Galveston group, and they display roommates and suitemates with contact information. This is on a separate website that their ResLife runs (not Howdy). I am not familiar with how College Station normally does this. Do others in the CS group have roommate and their contact information on the Howdy portal?

For Galveston folks, the initial roommate contact information is a link. The message shows up in the recipient’s TAMU email with the sender’s TAMU return address. They take it from there!