Ross Class of 2024 Decisions

I got in!!! so happy. i love all u guys and we r all amazing. go blue.

I got in! Letā€™s go Iā€™m so hype. Congrats to everyone who got in.

@saltypretzel. I was pulling for you. Congrats and go Blue!

I was deferred EA and accepted LSA on 1/31. Still havenā€™t gotten a Ross decision. Any chance to be accepted on 4/17?

My son is in the same boat. I sure hope thereā€™s still a chance! Fingers crossed for you both.

Any idea why student accepted EA in Dec still hasnā€™t heard? Is it really possible application hasnā€™t been reviewed? Iā€™ve seen people say theyā€™ve been deferred so why wouldnā€™t they just defer him if they are undecided? I guess no news is good news but itā€™s weird.

Got deferred EA then accepted LSA on 1/31. Just got accepted to Ross today! Ross has been my dream since my freshman year Iā€™m shocked!

I was rejectedā€¦ from LSA. I donā€™t know what happened. I was accepted to the Business Honors Program at UT Austin from OOS, NYU Stern, Georgetown, Emory, USC, UVA, and Georgia Tech. 1550 SAT, 35 ACT, 5.0/5.3 WGPA, 16 AP Classes. I am an Eagle Scout and all of my major ECā€™s were related to business or service towards animals. I put the most effort into my UMich application because I preferred it to NYU Stern and did not believe I could get into UPenn Wharton. I actually sacrificed effort on my UPenn application to dedicate more time to UMich. I can laugh it off now because I already decided on Business Honors at UT to save money, but it was my first ā€œweirdā€ decision that doesnā€™t follow the pattern of the rest of my decisions. (Like those people rejected from USC or UC Berkeley but accepted to MIT or Harvard). Can anyone explain this? Does UMich care a lot about demonstrated interest or yield protection? Not that I think Iā€™m too good for UMich, but Iā€™m a little bit dissapointed. Lol I guess Iā€™m just wishing I put more effort into my UPenn application now. I spent a lot of hours on UMich ha ha.

I was actually waitlisted. Not much better, but itā€™s something lol.

Accepted to Ross today!
Deferred early action
Accepted lsa 2/28
In state male
30 ACT
3.93 UW gpa
lots of business ECs (intern at fortune 200 company, 1st place at business comp.)
very strong business case

@isitme Thanks for the info. Iā€™ll pass along to my son. MRADS sounds like a great option. Do the learning communities generally reach out to multiple students or do they contact students they believe will be a good fit? Not sure how this worksā€¦ :slight_smile:
Since weā€™re learning can you suggest best way to find his housing fit? Talk with another student, counselor, or other suggestions for figuring it out.

accepted to Ross today! Curious if there will be an admit day, even virtually, to learn more about Ross before decisions are due?

Anyone know of the possibility of acceptance to Ross in the April wave? Or at least if someone in past years got in then?

In regards to communitiesā€¦ If I recall correctly youll need to write several essays, there are certain parameters to follow. MRADS has a selection process they follow, the essay is quite important as they are trying to build a supportive cohort of 100 students. The RC for example is different. I think all you need to do is show interest, I believe they let in 250ā€¦its just a distant memory though. MRADS is a great community it is a considerable time commitment to your research project and meetingsā€¦plus other things. It is something to take into account when choosing your classes. UMich academics are not to be taken lightly and the transition from HS to UMich can throw some students off, I know my D has made great friends at MRADS that appear to be great kids. Go Blue!

@tchit87 UMich does care a lot about demonstrated interest. All the people from my school who got accepted first wave emailed the admissions reps and stated umich is their top choice, if accepted theyll 100% attend.

chances on being accepted to ross in April?

@gummybear202 I believe they are mostly rejections, with a possibility of some few acceptances.

Does anyone think it would be beneficial to send a LOCI to Ross if you still havenā€™t heard back? Or is that a bad idea?

Accepted Ross in March. Accepted EA in Dec LSA. OOS. 34 ACT, 3.9 GPA, Lots of APā€™s National Honor Soc, High Honors every year. Two Sport HS Athlete, Captain of both teams. Recruited Athlete at UMich, which helps with the EA but does not help with Ross. Since I only had to focus on one application I put a ton of time into my Ross BC, which I think helps.

Congratulations all and @OhMyDarling. I hope you are the secret weapon michigan football needsā€¦ tired of losing to ohio snake university.