RSI 2018

@PoyoKat Connecticut

@OleColtrane Thanks!! Congrats congrats!! :smiley:

@PoyoKat Thanks! Hasn’t quite sunk in yet… :open_mouth:

Wow, I didn’t get in. Oh well…

Do any of y’all know how Alternates are chosen if some people reject offers for IMO, IPhO, etc…? Ranked…?

Got accepted!

Is it just accept/reject or is there some sort of waitlist option? Pretty sure I got rejected but just wondering if there are other options :slight_smile:

@worryingtoomuch There’s a waitlist option – RSI will tell you that you are on the Alternate listing… … …

@TheDodecahedron CONGRATULATIONS!!! Which state are you from??

SD :slight_smile:

@TheDodecahedron Wooooo great!!

Uhhhh for future reference and conveniency…would RSI acceptants include which state they were accepted from…? :smiley: :confused:

Guys, are all US citizens (even if they’ve lived abroad for 7 years) , considered for the 50 spots instead of the 30 spots for international?

I was wondering that, too — I’ve actually lived in Canada all my life but applied domestic with a US citizenship.

I got rejected…

I got accepted! Still having trouble processing it. For the state I’m not sure, I live in NY but at school in NH.

Hey, what’s up! I got accepted too. Look forward to meeting you this summer!


Congratulations everyone!

I was rejected, but congrats @MangoLover11223, @AegonTargaryen18 , and @LiamParker

I got selected as an alternate…how many of those do they select?