RU capable of being a Nursing Student?

Hello! I am currently a freshman enrolled at Rutgers University-New Brunswick in New Jersey. My major, of course, is nursing! I love it here. I, in a way, have become like an advisor for my nursing class, so I have a large knowledge of everything the program has to offer, stats, coursework, graduate, career opportunites after etc. Definitely comment below or reach out to me here privately if you have any questions about the program!
A little about the program:

  • Competitive applicant pool
  • RUNB School of Nursing Class of 2019 has an approx. acceptance and enrollement of 60-70
    -Direct 4-year BSN program for incoming high school students and transfer students

What are the average stats of the accepted freshman class?

Check it out:
Every school at Rutgers is different. And you notice that the specific schools of Pharmacy, Engineering, Business, and Nursing have the highest average stats for admission. But know that what’s there is the middle 50% of all admissions. So there were some students accepted below and above what’s written.

If you are in the upper middle 50% for the nursing program, how likely do you think I will get in?

You will most likely get in! I sent you a private message :slight_smile:

my daughter applied there. So about how many apply? You say 60-70 are accepted.

@cali60 for the 2015 year, they received 3800 applications. Out of the 3800, only 60-70 were accepted for the NB campus (which I am in). 60-70 for the New Brunswick campus and 60-70 for the Newark campus.

oh wow more competitive than any school we looked at. is this all BSN? what do they look for? do they give preference to instate? thanks for the info cause i called the school and could not get much details

I’d suggest applying to some programs in PA. PA. has more nursing programs than any other state, I believe. Almost all are direct entry, but some take transfers. Thomas Jefferson University’s nursing program in Philadelphia specializes in transfers from other colleges for the 3rd and 4th years.

I was admitted into Rutgers NB! I have a couple of questions that I’d really appreciate if you/someone could answer :slight_smile: How do the clinicals work, and what year do you start? Also, do you find yourself traveling a lot for clinicals and classes? I know Rutgers Nursing has a really strong base in Newark, esp in clinicals, and that technically Newark and NB are almost the same school, but how exactly do you take classes and things like that? Thank you :slight_smile: