RUE vs normal Transfer

<p>I’ve been reading up on Brown and it seems that I am eligible for admission via RUE. Are there any advantages/disadvantages to applying for transfer as RUE versus applying as a normal transfer? The Brown admissions page seemed to indicate you could apply as either</p>

<p>I was just recently admitted under the RUE program, so I will give you my take on the pros/cons of RUE application process.</p>

<p>Pros- The RUE application looks at what an applicant has done during his/her time out of school. Some past applicants have been professional musicians, dancers, artists, or military veterans. Applying as a RUE allowed me to shine a light on my military service, volunteer work, and recent academic accomplishments, which explained the 6 year gap between when I graduated high school in 2002 and the present. I still sent in HS and college transcripts, SATI/SATII scores, and letters of recommendation, but I feel that my defining characteristics came across in my non-academic work.</p>

<p>Cons- There are between 3-8 students selected to attend via RUE application per year. I believe there were 5 admitted this last cycle. Although the application pool is significantly smaller (200-300), so is the chance to enter via this approach.</p>

<p>If you think you have an experience to share that does not come across through the transfer application, you may want to consider the RUE option. I recommend that you review both applications, and call the admissions office in order to get a better feel for which option is right for you.</p>

<p>Thanks for your take on the process Stuckinthesand, definitely helped me out</p>

<p>Your chances MIGHT be better as a transfer.</p>