Rush reports_do they arrive in time?

<p>Sorry, i've already posted this on other boards but I really need help!!</p>

<p>I am a senior and I've already registered SAT 1 for both nov and dec tests so I am taking SAT subject tests in January. I should have done these in my junior yr but then I enjoyed life a little too much and have no other options now.
I contacted colleges and they said if I request rush report on my scores for Jan test, they will accept the scores but that there is no guarantee that the scores will arrive in time to be considered.</p>

<p>Do they usually arrive in time to be considered? I heard that collegeboard is a real dxxxchbag in sending scores in time. Anyone who has experience, please help me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>My ONLY answer, because I don’t know personally, is that I noticed NYU SPECIFICALLY said NOT to “rush” scores. I think it might be an “old” system, set up when they had to snail mail reports. Now that MOST colleges receive scores electronically…I’m not sure rushing helps. Here is why, at least according to NYU…</p>

<p>Scores are sent electronically, but RUSH scores are sent by mail. So they’re received in the admissions office and just SIT there until someone can get to them, sort them, enter them. </p>

<p>Take this with a grain of salt, I don’t KNOW. This is just something I happened to notice on an NYU forum. </p>

<p>By the way, you might consider changing your registrations.</p>

<p>Take the SAT I in November because it’s almost here and it’s your most important.
Then maybe change to the SAT IIs in December? To get some scores under your belt? Then you might not even NEED January. And/or…slip in an ACT test, they’re on different testing dates usually and you might even do better than your SAT…some people do. Then you save January for your “just in case” scenario. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>