Rushing Letters of Recommendation

Hello! I am an upcoming sophomore and I’ve decided to rush, and so far I’ve only secured three letters of recommendations for 3 different houses. I’ve tried looking for more but I can’t seem to find any.
I know this is late, but how else can I find alumni to ask for letters of recs? Are they really that important?

Thank you!

This is just my two cents, but try to reach out the the alumni chapters in your area for each national organization.

Also, some sororities will accept letters from current members, since you’re already a student, so you might want to reach out to your friends who are Greek. They may also know of a Tuscaloosa alum who would write you a letter.

Good luck!

Recs are a must at Alabama. The ladies who wrote your 3 recs - ask them if they know ladies in other sororities. Ask your mother’s friends, mothers of your friends, ladies at church, at work. Even your dad’s friends - men have wives, daughters, sisters and mothers who are in sororities. Ask your teachers, even back to elementary school. See if there is an alumnae panhellenic in or near your town that could help - search Townname Alumnae Panhellenic and see what pops up.You, your mom, and dad can post a request on Facebook. Keep asking! Recs should come from women who know you, or at least know your family.
Most sororities will allow recs from current members, but not ones at your school. If you know a member of ABC at Auburn, she could possibly write a rec for the Alabama chapter.