Sad, sad news. Horrible accident in NY

<p>Plane</a> with 48 aboard crashes into house in suburban Buffalo -</p>

<p>Dang. I thought this was going to be a joke. </p>

<p>That is pretty sad. Is it just me, or have there been a fair amount of plane crashes as of lately?</p>

<p>Yeah, I noticed that also. I don’t think this plane hit any birds though.</p>

<p>they actually don’t know, as of yet, what the reason for the plane crash is. Now the FBI is there.</p>

<p>I hope not too many people were hurt. Because really,it’s not the passengers’ fault they crashed.</p>

<p>Apparently all 48 people aboard the flight have perished. Too sad.</p>

<p>all 48? wow. that’s bad.</p>

<p>it really is sad, i will definitely be sending my thoughts and praryers towards their families.</p>

<p>Wow. That’s really sad.</p>

<p>it really is sad, it makes me sad. even though i don’t know anyone effected and am virtually unaffected by the accident, it makes me feel really sad.</p>

<p>I AM HUMAN! This is just really tragic.</p>

<p>Holy crap at that woman named Beverly Eckert. That is just way too sad.</p>

<p>Omg. Beverly’s husband dies from 9/11 from the plane and now her. So sad.</p>

<p>it is really sad. new york isn’t having a good couple months when it comes to planes.</p>

<p>I can’t believed it crashed into a house. That’s a super freak accident.</p>

<p>About ten minutes from my house</p>

<p>This crash reminds me of the Air Florida one in the 80’s. Although if it was ice that made this plane crash, I’m surprised it made it all the way to Buffalo.</p>

<p>That’s horrible. My dad is a firefighter and like 10 years or so ago there was a horrible plane crash in cerritos, ca and he was new to the job and that was his friends neighborhood and one of those big airliners totally wiped it out… Killed/injured like 100 people I think. Things like this affect more than just those who died. This is absolutely horrible.</p>

<p>Why have there been so many plane crashes lately? Wasn’t there also one in London the other day? And then the Hudson crash a few weeks ago…</p>

<p>The worst thing about this one is that NOBODY survived.</p>

<p>This happened like 20 mins away from where I live…scary…</p>

<p>I can’t believe that it only hit one house, and that two people in that house were able to escape. It’s such a terrible story… I also live about twenty minutes away, and at first the news reported that s much smaller plane had hit, because no one could really grasp the concept of a plane full of passengers crashing so close</p>