<p>Hey guys.. I already posted stuff on this.. But I got into a school already, so I'm not totally banking on Villanova. But I was hoping if you guys thought that I should most likely get into Villanova based on these stats:</p>
<p>GPA: 99.4
SAT: Math-700 Crit. Reading- 670 Writing-680
Rank- 10 of 312
4 AP courses and over 20 honors courses (excelled in every one of them)
4 year varsity letter winner in tennis and 2 year varsity letter winner in golf
4 Years of Latin (Currently in Independent Study)
Gold Medal for 4 Years in a row on the National Latin Exam
National Honor Roll
Preceptorship with a Doctor for one week in the Summer
Relay for LIfe Committee Member
National Honor Society
Senior Leaders</p>
<p>Any opinions at all guys?? I’m pretty sure I will get in but a lot of people are bringing up wierd statistics to me and it’s starting to get me worried. Any reassuring thoughts sent my way would help me out so much. Thanks a lot guys</p>
<p>k thanks a lot i appreciate that. Ya, I’m already in another decent school (University of Scranton), however it’s not the school i really want. I’d be happy to get into Villanova but it’s kind of a school that I assume i will get into (until the last couple days). Much appreciated! Anyone else willing to let me know what they think, that’d be great! thanks</p>
<p>hey thanks guys! appreciate the help so much you’re really relieving me of some stress. My dream school is Notre Dame and I put a load of time into my application. What do you guys think of my chances there? Thanks for everyones help</p>
<p>You have a good shot but I don’t see anything that would necessarily make you stand out. Do you have any compelling ECs? And make sure that you write a good essay.</p>
<p>good shot at villanova or notre dame? I didn’t really include much of my EC’s in that post but I believe that one week preceptorship in Selinsgrove, PA is kind of unique considering I’m applying for entry in the medical field and often wrote about the problem of access to health care in my essays. Thanks</p>
<p>I’d say you definately have a shot at getting in, but I would by no means call Nova a safety. I know many that have had roughly the same stats and have been rejected. My guess would be you’ll get in though. Good luck.</p>