Safety of laptop / printer

My s plans to participate in mobile laptop program and prefers to bring his own printer. Is laptop safe in dorm room or do we need to bring something to secure or store away when not in use? Also, is printer or maybe even a small tv safe in room? Recommendations?

Good question, but aren’t their rooms locked when student is not in there. For the laptop they will be given a locking device it is included with the package and a backpack.

It’s true that the laptop package comes with the backpack and the locking wire but I really don’t see the point of the locking device as for me atleast I see a very easy way through it. With regard to the dorms, some of it depends on the roomate letting friends in and not keeping an eye out at every moment. S kept his gaming desktop in his room and went to class with his laptop.

We originally moved him in with his home printer but during Thanksgiving break bought it back with us and kept it as the printer service at RPI is insanely cheap and never runs out of ink. He’s printed all his reports there and has an innumerable amount of prints left over for the year.

My concern is the laptop or printer walking away with a friend of the roommate u barely know, when son either sleeping or in shower or just out 4 the night. Is the atmosphere of campus one that is safe and relaxed or generally more guarded?