San Diego State Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

The waitlist is not ranked by order so it does not matter when you opt into the waitlist.

ok thank you

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I calculated their 2022 acceptance at 39%. Maybe I calculated wrong.

For 2022, I get a 39% admit rate for Freshman using the data from the IR analytics and on the CSU dashboard they state 39% but they had slightly higher application numbers and admit numbers than the IR Analytics. What went up was the yield so more Freshman enrolled than previous years.

I edited by comment above about the acceptance rate and noted the yield went up with more than 1000 additional Freshman enrolled for 2022. That is why they were probably very cautious with the admits this year. Sorry for the confusion.


Weird. What if it reset to offering you to accept the waitlist and you didn’t go back?
My DD accepted it before, but I just checked on it and the offer is there again. I hope they don’t automatically un-accept people from the WL.

My daughter had the same thing in her portal last night. She accepted the waitlist the moment she got a decision last Friday 3/17 and when we checked the portal again last night it was back to waitlist offer status. I wonder what happened.

I sure hope so.

Received denial for Public Health last week & would like to appeal. I was diagnosed with ADHD after submission of my application by a clinical psychologist & a 504 plan was created by my HS. Would this be something to include in appeal? I need a little extra time on tests and my counselor wanted to ensure that a plan was put in place now to get that accommodation in college.

Yes, you would have a valid basis for an appeal.

Edited: Appeals take long so you will still need to enroll another school in the meantime. I would also suggest you contact the Disabilities office at SDSU and any other school you plan to attend so they have the needed information.

Just so you know, there are no IEPs or 504 plans in college. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the law that provides students with IEPs, no longer applies to them once they graduate from high school.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Actof 1973 still protects students from discrimination when they get to college. However, they won’t get a 504 plan like they had in high school.

Students can still receive accommodations in college, though. Colleges have to provide accommodations under Section 504.
Colleges tend to offer different types of support. That’s why it’s important to learn as much as you can about disability services in college.

Best of luck.

@Gumbymom Thank you for this information, I appreciate your response!


Do you know the stats on how many appeals SDSU accepted in previous years?

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In general, appeal approvals for any school are less than 1%.

Can we appeal a waitlist? And as a second question, if we are, would substantial extracurriculars be helpful in the appeal process?

You cannot appeal a waitlist decision nor can you appeal to be placed on a waitlist. For an appeal to have a valid basis, you need to present new and compelling information that shows you are a more competitive applicant than presented in the CSU application. Since there is no where on the CSU application to list EC’s, they are not a major consideration in the application review and new EC’s would not be a reasonable basis for an appeal.

What if the extracurriculars are the strong point of the application, and prove you to be a more competitive applicant? IE, waitlisted for business but have business-related extracurriculars with six-fig revenue and years of commitment. This part of the application is what got me in other, more “difficult” places. To submit an appeal with this info technically reveals new and compelling information, right?

This is a question about rejection appeals, by the way, thanks for responding- I understand you cannot appeal waitlists

Yes, but EC’s are only Considered, not Important or Very important for the application review. Also since you did not list any specific EC’s only hours on the application, they will not know that the EC’s are new and compelling. Yes, having this EC is great but not an important part of the CSU application review.

That is why applicants need to look at any school requirements and select schools to apply where an applicant’s strengths can be highlighted. CSU’s are focusing on academic stats, local in-service area priority and HS course rigor as their main criteria.
Schools where you submit essays and LOR’s would better highlight your EC strengths.

SDSU appeals information sums it up but you are welcome to file the appeal regardless of my opinion.

The appeals process is only for applicants who have a serious and compelling reason that occurred during the application time period, e.g. hospitalization, military service obligations or other extenuating factor(s) you wish for the committee to consider.

Any students from the waitlist that received their FA offer yet?
There was no info for my daughter yet. I heard some other schools started giving out FA packages to waitlisted students (which, as I understand it, means only that kids get to see the FA, there is no guarantee they would get in off the waitlist).


Did anyone else who appealed to SDSU receive an email from them asking for an official transcript from this year? They said to send it to them by April 19th and my counselor did. Is this a good sign?

Asking for your HS transcript is standard procedure if you are appealing your decision. I would not read anything into the request. Best of luck.