San Diego State Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

In anticipation of SDSU decisions posting this month, I have started the Waitlist/Appeal Discussion thread. Below is waitlist data from several years.

In general, waitlisted applicants should SIR to another campus until they hear from the waitlist. If spots open up prior to May 1, SDSU will pull from the waitlist but waitlisted applicants should expect to hear after the May 1 SIR date.

Number of qualified applicants for waitlist: 8585
Number of waitlisted applicants opt in: 3993
Number admitted: 0

Number of qualified applicants for waitlist: 6917
Number of waitlisted applicants opt in: 3206
Number admitted: 326

Number of qualified applicants for waitlist: 5012
Number of waitlisted applicants opt in: 2127
Number admitted: 801

Number of qualified applicants for waitlist: 3529
Number of waitlisted applicants opt in: 1607
Number admitted: 513

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Yes, they admitted no one off the waitlist last year.

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Edited: The acceptance rate remained the same but the yield (enrollment) numbers went up over a 1000.

do you think there will be any acceptances from the waitlist this year

Depends on how many admits will enroll by May 1 and this varies from year to year. ???

ok thank you

S just accepted the waitlist spot for CS - but those 2022 numbers aren’t very encouraging :joy: - happy he has Cal Poly!

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My daughter and I are gearing up for a denial come Monday. Yes, she has 3 options so far and waiting on 2 other schools being UCSB and SLO ( probably denied since we haven’t heard anything) but sdsu is her top choice. She is looking into her other choices now. But It won’t hurt to start an appeal when she does receive the email. What is the process? I know the school didn’t give any admission last year but it doesn’t hurt to try this year. Thanks for all you help.

The main basis for a successful appeal is to show that you have new and compelling information and they are a stronger applicant than indicated on the original CSU application. Appeals are rarely granted.

Good Senior year grades or application errors made by the applicant are not a valid reason for an appeal.

My daughter also accepted the waitlist but looking at the last year’s numbers, I don’t know what to think. We are also waiting on UCSB and CSUSB.

my son is also on waitlist, ME. Looking over at reddit someone made the comment that it was a huge mistake by the admin to not admit anyone from the waitlist last year. Hoping for the best this year.

Considering that SDSU enrolled nearly 1300 more freshman in Fall 2022 vs 2021, it seems there was no need to admit students off the waitlist. Hopefully they admitted fewer students and will use their waitlist more heavily this year. Only time will tell.


what ARE valid reasons for appeal? I know “hospital” and “military” were put on the website… but any other reasons?

Mainly you need to show SDSU that you are more competitive applicant than in your original application.

Extenuating hardships which affected your academic performance.

Medical issues that affected your academic performance or requires you to remain near MD’s and Family.

Application errors due to administrative issues. Wrong grades posted on the transcript by the HS.

My son accepted his waitlist spot when the decisions came out last week and today it had changed back to “Waitlist Offer” and gave the option to accept or decline again - so he elected again to accept the spot - but that’s a little concerning. :thinking:

Same happened in my son’s portal. He accepted last week and today he had to accept it again. Very concerning.

Same thing happened with my son’s portal.

it also says that for me. Does this mean I get move backed in the waitlist order or something like that?