San Diego State Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

If you are waitlisted, do they take a continued letter of interest or appeal or should I just wait?

You can only appeal if you are denied. SDSU does not accept LOCI’s and any other documentation for their waitlist. All you can do is wait, but hopefully you have SIR’d to another school in the meantime.

My kiddo was in an accident and hospitalized at the end of junior year and had to take incomplete in a couple classes. This forced him to have to drop all of his planned senior classes to finish those classes (there we no options in our small town otherwise) in independent study senior year. It makes it look like he had a way less rigorous schedule. Still ended in the top 15% of his class, top 9% or whatever for the UC system, 3.8 overall and 4.1 weighted.
Is there any chance he gets in? Originally put psych as a major but now may not be so sure he wants that and put in his appeal that he would consider and may prefer other majors.
So… anyone with the wisdom to know if he has a chance AND if so, how does it work with housing and classes etc if it really takes months to get a decision? Will that make it not worthwhile/possible anyway?

Also, for anyone who was rejected and appealed, do they send any acknowledgment they actually received the appeal or that they are working on it?

Your son has a valid and hopefully well documented reason to appeal his decision. That said, it will be up to SDSU admissions so my opinion along with others does not really matter.

Hopefully he will have an answer before Freshman orientation and if he is out of the local service area, he will have on-campus housing but possibly not his top choice.

Please update if and when you get an answer. You should have gotten an acknowledgement that that appeal was submitted but probably not that they are in process of reviewing the appeal. You can always call admissions and ask.

Best of luck to your son.

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Got off waitlist today for astronomy! Instate


Congratulations. Glad they are starting to utilize the waitlist. Best of luck with your decision.

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Congratulations! what time did the email arrive?

Thank You! I have not gotten an email yet, just happened to check the portal at the right time!

Just got off the waitlist today 4:15 PST. Waiting for Irvine though :frowning:


For which major?

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Pre-Major: Urban Studies - Urban Planning, Design and Management
Fall 2023


my son just came off the waitlist today for Econ. He also came off the LMU waitlist last Friday. We’ve been planning OOS and now it looks like the CA schools are coming around :pray:


Looks like some action four days ago and nothing since? Any updates? S is anxiously waiting as SDSU is his first choice. Committed to CSUF in the mean time but not excited. Waitlisted at both SDSU and UCSD.

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Good luck! SDSU probably gave everyone a week to SIR, snd UCSD might have another WL admits this week. That would be about a week since offers went out beginning of last week.

If they don’t have another wave of admits will they send a rejection email?

Normally they announce the closing of the waitlist followed by denials.


Any updates?

My daughter checked last night. There is a note that the results will be available in June. This was not there a week ago when she checked.

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Just an update on SDSU Appeal. My daughter’s appeal was successful. She was notified last week (June 1) that she is admitted.