San Diego State University Class of 2027 Official Thread

Daughter just got accepted for Art/Painting & Printmaking. CSU GPA 4.14 number of A-G classes - 26, 4 APs, 1 honors, part time job 4-5 hours a week, volunteer in animal shelter, peer tutoring, taking Art 1, 3D design, yearbook
in state, got both email at 9:02 AM and shows up in portal.
Her friends who applied different majors have not yet heard back yet.


Is the email in regular personal email, or in sdsu email?

My son got one around 9 as well to his personal email used on application

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Personal email


Havent heard yet :frowning: Political science Major. Any one heard poli sci? in state.


My son was admitted yesterday and got the video

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Awesome! Congrats!

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DD got the email/video this morning - accepted on portal yesterday


Has anyone heard more about nursing and does anyone know the last day acceptances are going out?

I haven’t heard anything
im super stressed im a nursing major as well

my friends that are nursing g haven’t heard anything either

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Nothing for nursing yet for us

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Nothing for nursing from us either

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Ahhh this is all so stressful!!!


Political Science anyone?

So is the consensus that the waves coming in are based on major? Could they be based on last name (I ask this with hope because I haven’t heard anything from my daughter yet; our last name starts with a T)?

If people have already been accepted for a major and you haven’t heard anything back for the same major, is there any chance to still hear back? I applied for studio art but nothing yet!!


I know it really sucks. Hopefully we get our answers today :frowning:


i got in for liberal studies to teach too!

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