San Diego State University Class of 2027 Official Thread

A post was merged into an existing topic: San Diego State Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

This has been such a frustrating process in comparison to nearly every other non-CSU school weā€™ve applied to. It is likely mostly rejections at this point, which is fine for us she got into other schools, but why belabor it and keep the kids in limbo? These apps were done mostly in Oct and while the university may have more apps this year, the deliverables donā€™t change. They are only factoring GPA and demos; a software program could probably run decisions. If sort of makes me question how the university functions; if itā€™s inefficient and not focused on students as well.
Maybe Iā€™m over-thinking but Iā€™m curious if anyone else is questioning.


Since the CSUā€™s have gone test blind, they are considering other supplemental factors which are summarized on this chart. Most of factors are academic but some are not.

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Yes, SdSU is all GPA and demo based (location, income, ect)-most CSUs are. I stand by my statement. This is an inefficient approach to decisions. This could all be run through a software program, and the kids could all find out within the same day, even if they rolled them out every hour. There is no excuse for there to not be any rejections yet


Well SLO has not posted any waitlist or denials. Either has UCR. IVY day has not even happened and yes these schools are not CSUā€™s but they also do not get the same # of applications as SDSU.

I do not work in admissions but it is definitely not a simple as you make it. I understand it is a frustrating process but when you have 75,000+ applications to work through, it can be a daunting process. All I can say is you will have a decision by March 30 and that happens to be the same day UC Berkeley releases their decision.


My daughter is in a similar situation. She is choosing SDSU because itā€™s closer, in San Diego, and is much harder to get into than the others. The acceptance rate is in the 30ā€™s compared to 60ā€™s or more for the others. Personally I like Riversideā€™s campus, but I hear people complaining that thereā€™s nothing to do there, and they donā€™t like Riverside. We havenā€™t visited Arizona or ASU, but know several people who have gone there, or are currently there now, and love it. The campuses are very different. Riverside is very quiet compared to SDSU. Arizona and ASU are large campuses. ASU is huge with like 80,000 students. SDSU is a very walkable campus. My daughter also doesnā€™t like walking a lot lol, so that works better for her. Really, any of these are good choices.


Yes, SLO is equally inefficient. Ivies are completely different and require much more in-depth perspective and understanding of the student and their app. Just as an example, for UT Austin my daughter had to write 7 essays, a resume and activities catalogue, that should take longer to evaluate, yet she submitted her app a month after SDSU and heard back weeks ago.
This is clearly a good school and highly in demand, but the CSUs mission to to eliminate barriers to access higher education (which is great) but that spirit in and of itself lends itself to simplicity in evaluation.


So do you guys think they will send out any more acceptances?

There were many rejections that came out from sdsu yesterday for kids in orange county that I know. My sonā€™s portal has not been updated to date. I am wondering if they are holding some that may have been waitlisted for impacted majors to see if some admitted students quickly decline and open spots. My son dis get accepted to SLO so we arenā€™t sweating it, but since my hubby and I are sdsu alum we would like the chance to weigh the two options! A reminder to all also, please go ahead and decline any colleges now that you absolutely know you will not attend and open a spot for another deserving kid


Agree it would help if kids declined as their options came to fruition.


The CSUs are more complex than many colleges in that they are set up to heavily serve their defined geographic area. The map cuts off right before our high school in orange county so traditionally not many of our students are accepted on that basis as they expect geographically for our area to filter into CS Fullerton.


Good luck to your son with SDSU, although getting into SLO is awesome, too! We are in Orange County as well, my daughter got into SDSU, and we are seriously considering it. Do Orange County kids tend to like it and do well there?

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Speaking as an alum from the 90s, I loved SDSU! I came from out of state and met my husband there who grew up in Irvine. My neighborā€™s son is in his sophomore year there in the business major and joined a frat and is having the time of his life. Itā€™s a beautiful campus close to beaches and city life too. You canā€™t go wrong! Congrats to your daughter!

Had some questions. Is computer engineering a competitive major at SDSU? Has anyone gotten in for computer engineering yet? If I havenā€™t gotten in yet, does that mean Iā€™ll be a waitlist or a denial?

Here are some admits for Computer Engineering. All majors at SDSU are impacted meaning more qualified applicants than spots available so yes it is competitive.

  1. DS admitted computer engineering. OOS 4.08 CSU GPA, a few APs and a couple of extracurriculars

  2. Decision: Accepted
    CSU Capped Weighted GPA ~ 4.2
    Number of a-g courses taken 9-12th: 24 ( If Iā€™m calculating correctly. Heā€™s set to graduate with 280 credits )
    Number of UC approved ~Honors 4 / AP 9
    Intended Major:Computer Engineering
    Local/Non-local CA resident
    Honors College Invite: Yes

  3. 3rd post did not list stats.

No Decision = No Decision

We are from south OC, daughter is a freshman there and absolutely loves it. Says she canā€™t see herself anywhere else and for perspective this was not her first choice.


Still no decision for my daughter. Food and Nutrition. She also got into SLO, so as a 49 year old so cal (OC and San Diego) native I find this all baffling actually. SLO has always been harder to get into throughout my life here. SLO is MY first choice, but itā€™s not my decision to make. My decision was in 1991 when we waited for the snail mail! Talk about a frustrating experience!


same here, i am also a food and nutrition major and havenā€™t heard anything.

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So happy to hear about his positive experience! My son was just accepted into CS and is trying to decide between SDSU and CSUSM.

I donā€™t think it works that way The school may offer many acceptances knowing some students will decline the offer but that doesnā€™t mean a spot opens up necessarily just b/c one student declines.