San Diego State University Class of 2027 Official Thread

Actually, he took easier classes…less rigor. He also got in to Cal Poly. This one scenario makes me lose faith in the whole system, along with super highly-qualified students who did not get in. True…I don’t know the whole story, but I have known the kid since kindergarten and am surprised. Life is not particularly fair. We need to accept that fairness in our personal definition is not necessarily their aim.



While I should not be encouraged by this, oddly I am (even with no clue where my son’s stats even put him in the group of waitlisted kids) :joy: A glimmer of hope that they could admit from the waitlists earlier than stated, as kids decline spots (like UCI did last year. ) We should just be content with the options he has so far, but my husband and I both went to SDSU and all of my family is in San Diego, so this would be special.

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Anyone know how many students are admitted as a psych major as a freshman??

2022 data for Psychology.
6311 applicants
1811 admitted
362 enrolled


I thought I read on here that sdsu did not accept anyone from waitlist last year. I’m assuming waitlist is a no.


Yes, no one was pulled from the waitlist last year, that does not mean it will be the same for this year. Each year varies depending upon yield.


That is correct - but there are some assumptions made (up thread) that SDSU may have admitted fewer kids this year, because they over-admitted last year, and might be using their waitlist to control the admission. So - I’m not overly optimistic, but the magic of CC is built on speculation! :grin:


Reading through a lot of these threads, not feeling great since my daughter has not heard anything yet…but her major is Interior Design and I haven’t seen much about admits in the art or design majors. ALSO her GPA for A-G courses came down to just under 3.0 due to theology courses that didn’t count (catholic HS) does that automatically disqualify her? We are in-state, not local. So far she’s been admitted to SFSU, SJSU, University of Oregon, Oregon State, U of A, Michigan State, University of Rhode Island, and College of Charleston. But she only wants to go to SDSU.

I think that could be true because my daughter got waitlisted at Chapman with well over their average gpa, and then they sent a waitlist reminder which is strange. It seems like they want her to tell them it’s her first choice or something. It’s hard to tell why these schools do anything.

Please have him visit both schools while they are in session. There is a HUGE ambient difference.

If your son wants to have a great overall experience, I would recommend SDSU. Not belittling CSUSM, but it is VERY different from SDSU. They have more of a commuter feel. They are smaller and do give students personal attention but my former students report back to me that they just “went there”. (The freeway that is the major thoroughfare (the 78) just had a stoppage because of sinkholes on the freeway).
Both you and your son need to visit. Huge difference.


Excellent! Thanks!

If the Theology courses are not a-g CSU approved, they will not be included in her CSU GPA so her GPA could be higher than you posted. Her CSU GPA should be listed on her application. That said, No Decision is No Decision so everyone can speculate but only admissions knows for sure.


I just got info from my son’s high school counselor that she attended a counselor’s conference in San Francisco last week and this is what she learned. Out of state kids are getting into UC/CSU with far lower GPAs because the system needs to make up the shortfall from the pandemic shutdowns. This might explain why SDSU overenrolled last year and crammed the kids info dorms. She further said that students over a 4.0 are getting lumped into a pool and it is basically lottery of who gets in so that is why you are seeing a 4.1 gpa get in over a 4,5 for example. We had 4 get into UCLA at our high school in the lower to mid 4.0s over our kids at the top the class with 4.8s who basically got shut out at most CA colleges so far. It is really disheartening for these kids that worked really hard. Throwing out tests scores was a big mistake for CA too.


Very interesting (and concerning) information. Thank you for sharing!

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Nothing for biology majors correct?

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Also, I agree that throwing out test scores was a mistake – SATs have many problems, but it was another metric they could use to sift out the best candidates. Realistically, we all know the most popular UC’s and Cal State schools aren’t going to be able to thoroughly read all 80,000+ applications with the budgets they have.


Am I mistaken or did I only see 1 Nursing admits from Friday?

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Why hasn’t there been anything for biology majors?

There’s gotta to be some kind of programmed automation running through the CSU apps - strictly just numbers, no essays. I’d be curios to know if each school uses their own software to review apps. Could be interesting to think about a parameter driven (re impaction vs. CSU GPA + EC and work hours) AI model run in a centralized fashion, or even just each campus using the same software but configuring it to their needs. Would probably be more efficient that what we have now. But those standardized test are coming back - too easy to game the system for well off families I’d say.