San Diego State University Class of 2027 Official Thread

She submitted her app on Oct 11 I believe… or around then. It was early.

Just want to spread hope out there… she had a regular workload, regular classes, no APs… she was not varsity sports captain or president of anything… she worked at a brewery part time and was in a few plays … but no other clubs… she took general courses and had a 3.67 at the end of Junior year. So it is possible to be admitted even if your resume is not 4.0 + gpa… :two_hearts::two_hearts:

Best of luck to all of you waiting and hoping… we have been nervous nellys over here so I understand how it feels…

Thinking of all of you…!! Keep posting and talking and remember …. whatever happens, happens for a reason! :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


That was a really nice post. Thank you for keeping the positive vibes. And congratulations. :slight_smile:


DS admitted computer engineering. OOS 4.08 CSU GPA, a few APs and a couple of extracurriculars. Shocked!


CSU Capped Weighted GPA: 4.1
Unweighted GPA: 3.73
Number of a-g courses taken 9-12th: ?
Number of UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE classes:?
Intended Major:Psychology
Local/Non-local CA resident/OOS/International: OOS
Honors College Invite: No


Do they admit by major or the high stats kids first?

Meant to note that she is admitted.


Some High stats, some Special programs such as Compact for success, some OOS and International applicants are part of the early admission pool.


Is the average 3.97 gpa for 2022 an unweighted gpa? Thanks!

No, capped weighted CSU GPA.

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Kinda maybe looks like no CA non-local today? So, crossing fingers that tomorrow brings some news :smiley: (and if not, we’ll keep crossing fingers for March!)


Forgot to say my admitted OOS DD is from Montana

Wondering if any applicants who were undeclared have heard about admissions yet?

Got my kiddo admit today. We are local San Diego. We know 4 other local SD kids in the service area of SDSU also admitted


For those posting business, do you mean pre-business? S admitted, OOS, pre-business. I looked on website and business is impacted, student must take core pre-business courses, C or better, 2.9 GPA minimum, then admitted to business. Are others being admitted directly into business?

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Almost all students at SDSU are admitted into a Pre-major since all major programs are impacted. No business major is admitted directly into the program without completing the business requirements with an acceptable GPA. Once the student meets the requirements, they are automatically allowed into the major. No paperwork to declare the major.

The MyMaps link is very helpful for all majors, since you are given a 4 year course plan based on the year of admission. 2023 is not yet listed but you can look at 2022 year to help in determining the major requirements and sequence to declare the major.


Did anyone hear anything today? Or only yesterday?

My in state D has not received an acceptance email and her application still says received on the portal, however, on her to do list tab, it says “intent deposit initiated.” I’m thinking this is a positive sign and that maybe more decisions will be rolling out today.

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@gumbymom @momto2kiddos
just checked in portal . got in.
please check portal


Just refreshed the portal and now it is an acceptance!

Unweighted gpa 4.0, weighted 4.52
major: business admin (finance)
in state
lots of ECs, 6 APs completed, 4 in progress