<p>I was wondering between the two schools, San Diego and UCLA, which one is better? What are the differences in their pharmacy program, including requirements and etc.? Is it true that the UCLA pharmacy program is six years? I know both of them have pretty good B.S. major but not really sure about their graduate program in pharmacy so if you guys could help me out that'd be great :D</p>
<p>ucla doesnt have a pharmacy program. you’re probably talking about USC.</p>
<p>yeah…UCLA doesn’t have a pharmacy school.lol. You should also look in the University of the Pacific’s pharmacy program. they are pretty good.</p>
<p>OH wow i feel stupid. I was looking at [UCLA</a> Pharmacology](<a href=“http://www.nuc.ucla.edu/grad_program/apply.htm]UCLA”>http://www.nuc.ucla.edu/grad_program/apply.htm) and read it wrong. it said pharmacology not pharmacy opps XD</p>