Hi everyone!
I’m looking for some safety schools at the moment with my GPA (SAT/ACT Scores not available yet) and I was thinking that San Jose State University would be a good safety.
Now I was wondering, how good is the Computer Science at San Jose State University?
Experiences/Stories are definitely appreciated!
http://info.sjsu.edu/static/admission/impaction.html indicates that, for fall 2014 admissions, computer science had the highest eligibility index threshold for admission, though the similar software engineering major had a lower threshold. This is likely due to the popularity of computer science these days.
http://info.sjsu.edu/web-dbgen/catalog/departments/CS-courses.html and http://www.sjsu.edu/cs/docs/Class%20Listing_1.13.2015.pdf indicate a fairly large offering of computer science courses.
@ucbalumnus ok and do you think i have a good chance at getting in there with my stats?
The Eligiblity index last year for CS was 4550. With your posted GPA of 3.5, you would need an SAT Math+CR of 1750 which is impossible since the maximum is 1600. If the EI for CS remains that high, then your chances are zero.
You might want to consider Software Engineering which has a lower EI of 3400 which is doable. For a possible CS safety, you might want to consider Cal Poly Pomona. Until you have test scores, it is hard to know which schools would be a good fit since you cannot calculate your EI.
Without any SAT or ACT scores, the only possible admission safeties are the non-impacted campuses where CS is not an impacted major. These are Bakersfield, Channel Islands, Dominguez Hills, East Bay, and Stanislaus.
@ucbalumnus how about Cal State Fullerton and CSU Monterey?