Santa Barbara, Davis, Santa Cruz? (or CC)

<p>Okay, SIR deadline is less than one week away… I’m stumped. I’ve lurked on these forums for a little while now, so I figured it’s time to ask directly. Here’s my take on pros and cons:</p>

Comprehensive (LOTS of major choices, including engineering)
Good internship program
Bike friendly (no gas bill)
Good Bio Science too
Close to Tahoe, SF
Not car friendly (hog tied to campus)
Inland (and hot)
I’m not in honors program
Agricultural atmosphere</p>

Right on coast (weather)
Admitted to Honors program
I can bring a car
5 Nobel laureates
Seemed more modern
Not into party scene
Rent after I leave dorms ($$$$)</p>

Close to LA
I can bring a car
Beautiful Campus
3rd Tier UC
Stoner reputation
Less serious academics?
(I realize some of these may be stupid, this is just what’s in my mind)
I’m looking to major in something in the sciences, possibly engineering, maybe even pre-med. I’ve been to SB and D, both seem nice, though SB’s campus is pretty dead on Saturdays (everyone goes to IV). D was more lively, but that was a Friday. However the campus is pretty spread out. I haven’t been able to drive at all in high school so a car would be nice (despite the gas).</p>

<p>Lastly, there is community college.
No rent
No homesickness
Cheap tuition
Use a car
Possibly transfer to Tier 1?
Still living with parents
Miss out on college experience?
No great change from high school (not getting away)</p>

<p>If anyone can make a great case for another UC, I’ll lean more toward CC. Thanks in advance, everyone!</p>

<p>I attend UCSB so can really only comment on there. I love it here, there is a heavy party scene but it is not forced and I know people that like to go out and party and not drink at all. I have friends who haven’t drunk anything yet. I have never really noticed a lot of drug use aside form pot but even that is not everywhere. There is an abundance of alcohol. Aside from the party scene UCSB has so much to offer, great weather, walking distance to the beach, relaxed academic atmosphere, good academic reputation and the majority of students are happy here. The choice is really up to you but I have never been to a university that has such a great community atmosphere as UCSB.</p>

<p>UCSC is not very close to LA. UCSB is much closer. Santa Cruz is in Norcal. It is nearer SF than UCD is. </p>

<p>Anyhow, out of the three, I'd say UCSB.</p>

<p>Ya, UCSB is 2 hours away from LA while UCSC is 2 hours away from San Francisco</p>

<p>Oops, yeah. SB is much closer than SC. I knew that, just a typo. Thanks.</p>

<p>Being near LA is a plus? I live in Southern California about 40 miles from LA and I've been there many times. Los Angeles is the crappiest city ever.</p>

<p>I also go to UCSB. And tell u now that if you know where to look you can find an apartment alot cheaper then the dorms. Alot of my friends decided not to live in the dorms their second, becuase they found it alot cheaper to live off campus. But one thing to keep in mind is that once you move off campus you have to take care of ultilities, lights and other things of that nature in some apartments. Me and my roomies got very lucky we only have to take of the eletricty and internet. Also you can find roomates to live with you so that you can split the price.</p>

<p>My votes for Davis</p>

<p>whats your major? I say UCSB there are much more things to do there than in Davis.</p>

<p>Thank you all. I've just submitted my SIR to UC Davis.</p>