Santa Clara University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Sorry - thought I was responding to the poster above who said there were 2000 more early apps this year than prior

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1530 SAT. 4.0UW. 6 AP’s. Excellent EC’s and community service.

Sorry. This was a typo. It was supposed to be 6 APs if that matters to others. OOS.

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My son got in (ED) but I forgot to file CSS financial aid request
 I thought it would be due together with FAFSA. What should I do?

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My son is 3.78 UW, good essays, ECs, a few APs, test optional.

Actually, I think you are right to question the numbers. My info came directly from the “coming soon” emails. In last year’s cycle they indicated that they were working through over 8,000 apps, and in this year’s they said 10,000 apps. Since these emails went only to the early round applicants and that RD apps are not yet due, I simply assumed that the numbers corresponded to the early apps. Given the CDS numbers you correctly quoted (and a bit of common sense which I clearly lacked), it seems logical that the 8-10k apps referenced was the total number of apps received thus far. Good catch!

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anyone hear anything yet on financial aid? Apparently the portal says within a week, but hoping maybe sooner given that it sounds like last year it came out next day.

Could you share your son’s major?

DD got into SCU, LMU & Chapman-undecided Liberal arts. I like Chapmans neighborhood best but most important thing is sense of community and small class sizes, and offering housing for all 4 years would be nice too. Does anyone have any reccommentations concerning these areas?


You need to contact them and ask. They probably assumed you would be full pay since you completed no financial aid application forms. IIRC, there is an early priority deadline for ED applicants.

But give financial aid a call
first thing Monday morning.

I think you were right the first time, Hopeful0304! Looks like last year they had over 8500 apply early.

That CDS data saying 480 applied early was from October 2021 so it would have been the number who applied early in fall 2020. Maybe much lower number because of covid? Sounds like the early apps are up quite a bit this year to over 10,000

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SCU is in a good neighborhood as well. Since your DD applied undecided, I am not sure which major she might be interested. For CS or business related, SCU is better than Chapman just my opinion. SCU has good intern opportunities. Most students find summer/winter intern easily. For movie related, Chapman is definitely a top school. In general, US news ranking SCU is a lot higher.


I think SCU received around 16,000 applications total (for the past 2-3 years) and the 480 might be ED since I think they receive many fewer EDs than EAs. According to the link you attached, they received about 8,500 early applications, which presumably includes both ED (binding) and EA (not binding). Then another 7500 or so students applied RD. Those numbers may be up this year.


My D20 was also seriously considering these three schools. She is an English/Communications double major at SCU and has had a great experience. She was initially worried about the lack of a “college town” feel (like Chapman has), but this turned out to be a non-issue. She has really flourished–her professors and advisors have been very supportive (helping her obtain internships and other great opportunities). She also has a full social life, an on-campus job and is involved in clubs and a sorority. She’s heard from a few friends who attend (or transferred out) that Chapman isn’t as rigorous academically and has a different “vibe” in terms of a flashier student body, but that’s obviously subjective and anecdotal. Feel free to message me if you have questions about SCU! We’ve been really thrilled with her overall experience there.


CS in non-engineering one.

My son got into LMU and Chapman as well - undecided. We are totally conflicted on which he should go to!

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So far all of the schools she applied to early action (non binding) have accepted her. LMU, SCU & Chapman

Chapman is the only one who included a very generous offer of merit aid with their acceptance letter (36k per year). This was a very smart move on Chapman’s part bc it puts their school at the top of her mind right now and the longer it remains in her mind the more she will likely research it, connect with other students and likely form a positive bias.

Naturally she knows she needs more data to make the decision and the others will send merit aid offers later and then too, there are a few other schools she hasn’t even submitted apps for yet (and I hope she still does apply).
So while she and all kids know to be patient
Chapmans very astute marketing and admissions teams seems to understand their target demographic quite well and know that flattery will get you everywhere esp if you want to gain some valuable real estate in the mind of a teenage girl.

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We just got our financial aid offer in the portal.

Thanks! Yes, just got ours too.


does anyone know how to decipher this financial aid letter? which amount is the total aid being received