Santa Clara University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

What sport? Are there other schools that have shown interest in playing for them in college? If she garnered D1 interest, some of these D3 schools would be interested and could help with admission.

What are her interests? She should submit a few RA apps.

D23 accepted from NY Public. Strong ECā€™s, Didnā€™t submit scores, 3.85 UW 8 APs, Was rejected from ED so very happy.


I really wish they didnā€™t do this before the holidays. Itā€™s brutal.

My answer to that is:
1.) If my daughter is not admitted: Wow, they take 1 1/2 months to make a decision! Other comparable schools got back to my D within three weeks and 2 days in one case! They are sure full of themselves.

2.) If she is admitted:
They are really trying to get a decision in so kids can apply to other schools RD during the Xmas break when they have time. It is really hard selecting amongst many qualified applicants!


Does anyone have any notification on merit aid?

Your handle is great.

East coast public son is in. He is very happy. Having benefitted from other on this, stats are:

3.9 / 4.5
6 APs all 5s
Strong ECs - typical, not outstanding.

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Thanks. That was for my son2021 grad. Canā€™t change it for my daughter, or I would!


Accepted for Business ED!

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On portal, it says the financial aid comes a week later, if any.


My D was deferred. Her friend from another high school was rejected.

She took it in good stride.


Deferred and ask for fall semester grade report for further consideration. Not bad, at least it is not denied and he already have others school admitted. Good luck to everyone!


Out of state Daughter accepted EA for business school! Woohoo!


S23 accepted! international. So happy

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D accepted and S deferred (with a request for mid year grades). Both engineering.

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Could you mind sharing the Stats?

My D that was deferred has 3.68 UW, 3.82 W. Pretty strong essay and unique EC.


3.85 UW, TO, 7 APs, strong bus-forward essays, entrepreneur, loads of service-based ECs.

Rejected from ED, not EA, with such good Stats? I am very surprised with such competition in ED.
Proud for your D23.


Wow thatā€™s a huge increase in early apps. Where does that number come from? Common Data Set for fall 2021 says they got 480 Early apps. just curious

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