SAT 2 questions

<p>Does it matter which ones I take or it depends on my major(e.g. Engineering you take Math, Chem or Physics) or can you take any 2 you want?plus, is it gonna be an advantage if I take 3 and do decent on all of them?or it would be the same as taking 2?</p>

<p>The rule for UC’s is that you have to take two of them from different subject areas, meaning, that you can’t take two tests in one subject area. For example, you can’t take the US History and World History subject tests and expect that to fulfill your SAT II requirements. It has to be from two different subject areas, I took the US History and Spanish subject tests and that fulfilled my SAT IIs requirements because US History is considered a social studies subject and Spanish a foreign language subject. For engineering, I think you have to take the MAth 2 subject test but idk if your required to take the physics and chemistry subject tests (I doubt that you do). And taking only 2 subjects test is fine. I originally signed up for 3 but the day of the test I changed my mind as I didn’t feel prepared for the Biology exam and though I would do poorly so I decided not to risk a poor score showing up in my testing records (UCs require you to send all scores). I am sure taking 3 subject tests doesn’t hurt but wont put you over the top either.</p>

<p>The only special requirement the admit to is for engineering, which is
Math II
and Science (I’d assume which ever is the most relevant, if Possible)</p>

<p>I would recommend doing two unless you’re sure you can do great on all three.
Keep in mind this is the last year they are requiring them so the <em>may</em> not view them as significant in previous years.(just a hunch)</p>

I would say that even after they take out the SAT IIs as a requirement, students who submit them would be looked on preferably than those who don’t. SAT IIs are easy if you take an AP course in that subject and then buy a review book. I did average on the SAT I and it was the Subject Tests that really saved my butt.</p>

<p>With the exception of engineering, you should take whichever two tests on which you expect to score well (from two different subject categories). The tests do not have to be related to your intended major.</p>

<p>For the UCs, you can take as many Subject tests as many times as you want. The UCs will only look at the top two scores from two different subjects for application evaluation.</p>

<p>My intended major is Information Technology(IT), does it count as Engineering in the UCs or a branch of Communication studies?</p>

<p>I’m fairly certain none of the UCs have Information Technology as a major. If you want to go into Computer Science, that major generally falls into the engineering department. Although there are a few campuses that offer CS as a Letters & Science major (not engineering).</p>