sat 2 they cant be that important...right?

<p>Ok.... So i have already applied to college, and I was told that I needed to take some sat 2s in order to get accepted..from a friend. I did indeed take the test, but I only took one because my stupid proctor at the time took like an hour to set everything up. Im afraid that this is going to ruin my chances at getting in, what do you guys think?</p>

<p>If your school only requires one, then your fine. If your school requires two you will be notified and then rejected for not taking a second one. (if it’s required it’s serious business on your application)</p>

<p>However, if u are referring to how much an SAT II weighs on an app, it usually depends on the school, but it can sometimes make or break you.</p>

<p>of course you have to meet the application requirements first.</p>

<p>and also, SAT II’s are very important.</p>

<p>A lot depends on where you are applying. Vast majority of colleges neither require nor use SAT IIs for admission. However, a number, particularly most of the high ranks, require two (and a few require three) and if you do not submit the required number, your application may be denied for failure to submit required test scores.</p>

<p>What’s the college? Look on the website and see whether they are required or whether your friend is misguided.</p>

<p>If they are required, you may be out of luck. If they aren’t, well, I was told that submitting a strong SATII will look good and improve your prospects.</p>

<p>As other posters have said, it’s really important to know where you are applying. In general, the more selective the school, the greater the importance of the SAT IIs relative to the SAT Is. Less selective schools care way more about SAT Is; most selective schools care a lot about SAT IIs.</p>

<p>If you need to, can you retake SAT IIs?</p>

<p>Many schools accept the ACT in lieu of the SAT2s.</p>

<p>i really don’t think the SAT subject tests are that important. i think they are used to confirm an applicant’s strength, but if you don’t do well they won’t hurt you. </p>

<p>i applied to Cornell (haven’t heard back yet) and one of the requirements for the school of engineering was a science subject test. i didn’t know this as i took USH, math 2, and lit. so they told me about 2 weeks ago and said that it wouldn’t affect my decision, but that it was just a missing piece of my application that other applicants had to help them.</p>