SAT 2280 vs GPA 4.0


<p>there are two applicants from same high school</p>

<p>they are same gender(male), same race (asian), same grade (12th), and taking same classes</p>

<p>one has got 2280 on SAT and 34 on ACT but his GPA is around 3.6/4.0. He has participated in SLS. </p>

<p>The other man has got 2020 on SAT and has not taken ACT yet. but 3.9/4.0 GPA.
He did not participate in SLS.</p>

<p>In this case, which one of them would be more likely to be accepted from USMA?</p>

<p>they both have earned nomination.</p>

<p>oh. and the school does not “rank” students. </p>

<p>there is no “class rank”</p>

<p>Maybe both, maybe neither. There are a lot of other factors involved (medically qualified, physically qualified, etc). Many people who get into Harvard, Yale, Columbia, etc with stats like that would never get into West Point.</p>

<p>Are either of them athletes? Could they be? Have they contacted the coaches? There is not a limit on how many candidates come from a given school or county…the EC’s and leadership also play an important roll here as well. Try not to stress too much over matters beyond your control.</p>