SAT 2's

<p>in the end, how imporant are these tests?</p>

<p>Where are you applying and what's your major?</p>

<p>If your major is something like engineering, SAT IIs matter a lot. Even if you aren't, SAT IIs end up counting significantly towards comprehensive review. In the end, it's just a number like the SAT, but if you aren't making the averages for these tests and your other stats aren't competitive, that reflects unfavorably on your application as a whole.</p>

<p>well i applied uc's in general and berkeley on this particular subject.</p>

<p>i have 4 sat 2</p>

<p>World His 670
Bio 690
US his 740
chem 730</p>

<p>but on my application (cal) i put Envir Econ and policy</p>

<p>i know the last two are pretty good by themselves, but would they help app?</p>

<p>The major you applied to isn't impacted as far as I know, and as such the school will treat your scores as numbers to crunch into their comprehensive review. Having scores above 700 definitely helps your admission, although it would have been better if they hit above 750. To say the least, they don't hurt your application, but your other statistics will be the factors that determine the final outcome.</p>

<p>Here's what I was told by a UCSB rep who came to our school. I was pretty worried about my SAT II scores because one was really low. I got a 720 on the US History and a 480 on the Literature. The rep told me the higher score will balance out the lower score. I ended up getting into UCI, UCR, and CPSLO while I got rejected by UCD and UCSB.</p>

<p>In the end I they really don't matter as much or are anywhere near the weight put on SAT I's, GPA, and EC's.</p>

<p>Typically your SAT IIs are secondary to your GPA and SAT Is (barring certain majors such as engineering majors).</p>