SAT/ACT ~ Transferring from CC to Uni

When I decide to transfer from a CC into a 4-year university, will I need to take the ACT/SAT? I don’t know if I need it because with my CC, they have an articulation agreement I can be granted guaranteed admissions but it has no mention of any ACT or SAT transferring. If it’s not needed,then I don’t really need to take it but I still plan to just in case. What do other schools with this agreement gone through to transfer?

If it helps the school I want to go to is CCAC and then transfer to Pitt,

Most universities don’t require it.

Go to the website of the school you want to transfer to and check if it’s required.

Why would you not take the SAT or ACT? If it’s the cost for the test, see if your mom’s income qualifies you for free/reduced lunch at school, sign up for it and ask GC for a fee waiver.
You can also send four free scores with each test and get application fee waivers.

I know you have this plan of going to CC or Pitt branch and then transfer to Pitt for CBA.

But you don’t know if that will be affordable for you.

If you are a junior the best thing you can do is get good grades, do business related EC if that interests you and prep for SAT or ACT and get a good score.

Keep your options open, there are lots of ways to CBA and more than one school.

You might qualify for a Kansas state grant, Pell if your mom’s income is low, maybe some schools would offer you merit scholarships (very hard to get at Pitt).

@Mommdc I have already taken one ACT and have another one coming up. I should have worded it differently but I know some schools when transferring from a community college doesn’t require the standardized test scores. If I want to go the route I’m planning, I just wanted to know if I absolutely needed it for the sake of knowing.

Also with the grants, I don’t know if they can only be used in the state of Kansas or if I can use it in different states. That’s what I’m trying to figure out at the moment because I don’t know how many scholarships I can apply when I want to transfer to Pitt.

I thought when you asked if you needed it, you hadn’t yet taken it.

Definitely ask and find out specifics, but usually the grants are for the students to use in that state.

You need to take a realistic look at the projected cost of your options. Don’t discount local options in Kansas. You might qualify for more aid by staying in Kansas.

Depending on your mom’s income you might qualify for Pell, maybe state grant, maybe merit scholarship for your grades and scores, and $5,500 federal student loan. That might pay for an instate school.
Will you have enough to go to CC with OOS tuition and housing cost? And then to Pitt at $30,000 a year for two years?