sat and harvard...a history question

<p>what is the lowest SAT score harvard has ever accepted (the studnet with the lowest sat accepted to Harvard)? </p>

<p>kind of a random question just bored and interested. of course the more detail the better. i assume it will be an athlete so if anyone has one for a non hook student...which i doubt
(and prob will have to compare old and new sat i know i know)</p>

<p>come on you know this is an intresting question. i have no idea how someone would find this out other than rumors/word of mouth at harvard</p>

<p>so any alumns know this answer? sorry ccers had to be done lol</p>

<p>78 views…come on</p>


<p>I think it would be impossible to answer this question. I mean, it’s not like Harvard posted its lowest accepted score on its website. =/</p>

<p>this is true. i second that.</p>

<p>well im sure there are bound to have been people accepted with sub 2100 scores. Most of whom im sure had some sort of awesome hook.</p>

<p>well first id like to clarify that sat scores aern’t everything and cannot possible define a person, or perfectly decide where they should be able to attend college</p>

<p>with that said…</p>

<p>kayhart: i know this is a longshot lol
but there are rumors and such, most of which probably aren’t true</p>

<p>or you could just post stats of kids who got in with low sats</p>

<p>lol this is post may become the thread that convinces everyone to apply to harvard because they here all these success stories of kids getting in with low sats etc., skewing the ridiculous acceptance rate </p>

there has to be at least one person who got sub 1800, im talking low sats not sub 1900</p>