SAT chem prep book. Is the one "The Best Test Prep for the SAT II by Kevin. R." good?

<p>Hello! How are you guys doing?
I am little bit (yeah, actually, a LOT) nervous because my SAT chem test is coming up..
But anyways. This thread is about a SAT chem prep book.</p>

<p>I wanna get some helps and opinions from youguys about the book "SAT Subject Test Chemistry: The Best Test Prep for the SAT II by Kevin. R."
I think I had get some good review on my chem teacher, but I don't remember at all, and there is barely no review on the internet, so..</p>

<p>Is this book have okay and enough information to prepare SAT chem?
Any errors or typos?
Are practice questions realistic?
And any other helpful opinion about this book?</p>

<p>Um, if this information helps you; I have studied "Cracking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test (2007-2008 Edition)," and it was pretty hard and has a lot of information. (Maybe this is just because I have not finished my chem 11 class yet.)
But I liked this book. </p>

<p>So I will wait for your reply.
Thank you so much to read this thread.</p>

<p>Later! :)</p>

<p>p.s Is it okay if you take same SAT subject test few/several times?
Do you need to apply all of your scores, or just the best one?</p>

<p>i’ve never heard of the book, but i found the pr book to be pretty helpful and have pretty realistic questions, so if that’s hard for you then i believe the real thing will be hard for you. However, with a little bit of review and finishing your chem class, you’ll probably be fine.<br>
Since you’re in class of '10 or below, you can usually choose which scores to send, however some colleges will ask you to send all of them, so be careful about taking it multiple times, especially if there’s not going to be much of a difference between the scores.</p>