SAT Critical Reading thread

<p>I didn’t know which to pick, either ambassador or the patent one</p>

<p>I ended up picking patent</p>

<p>@kashmoney but the thing is not about how a black woman got a political office, it was reflecting on what happened 144 years ago</p>

<p>Disparity inequity?</p>

<p>What was the point in putting the race car guy in the beginning for biofuel? I think I put something about an engaging anecdote. Also what was the point of the weird house building one? I think I put that it was about friendship and something about memories?</p>

<p>“The Democratic party first met here 144 years ago to pick a presidential candidate. This time is different. Why? Because I’m speaking.” <- Signified progress, right? It couldn’t have been UN or Olympic Medalist because they had both just happened, but civil rights had been going on for a while. The two don’t match.</p>

<p>It was reflecting on how a black woman was a keynote speaker at a National Democratic Convention, signifying progress in Civil Rights.</p>

<p>Yes, the question with the judges thought regional disparities were unequal.</p>

<p>I chose to engage the reader with an anecdote.</p>

<p>i picked ambassador, and signified progress.</p>

<p>@sourapple - that’s what i got
@crispi- i got engaging anecdote and whatever i picked for that one did include memories, but im not sure if mine contained friendship</p>

<p>Yeah I put anecdote
signifying progress
and disparity…equality</p>

<p>What about the question where it talked about her two speeches exerpted? i said to show the significance in her career…idk</p>

<p>I hated the passage on fragrance and on the house</p>

<p>Vocab Questions compiled:
Discipline (performer who’s performances were very methodical
Attentuated (Frost that was thawed)
Juxatposition (Don’t know if this one is rightm, talked about wood)
Animus ( I don’t think it was acuity because the beginning of the sentence said he was angry or something,which made his Animus opinion was biased.)
inqeuity- disparity? (talked about courts)
Modest (question about ravenous eater)
authority on… Abdicated (talked about schools
^ answers I got, feel free to edit.</p>

<p>awwww seriously?! i was going between anecdote and introducing a movement and i picked movement, but i think anecdote might be right :(</p>

<p>for the fragrance one- did you guys put it was the inspiration of scholars or to explain the reason why ink was fragranced</p>

<p>anyone get volatile? for the biofuel?</p>

<p>Does anyone remember the ink passage? The first question was to list out the ingredients in ink, right? What about the second one? I always do badly on the short passages.</p>

<p>i got anecdote too.</p>

<p>i got volatile</p>

<p>yes I got volite too</p>

<p>@tjhsstkid21 do you remember the question?</p>

<p>I got (Agent for,) (Usurped) for the school one
abdicate doesn’t make sense since the social forces are taking up the role, not giving it up.</p>

<p>EDIT: never mind. Didn’t remember the question properly. Darn!</p>