SAT II: Biology

<p>I took honors bio as a freshman and really should have taken the SAT II for it then, but I didn't and now I'm a junior and don't really remember anything. Will studying a SAT II: Bio prep book be good enough to score high on the test? What prep book would you guys recommend?</p>

<p>i took biology freshmen yr. and took the SAT II Biology during May 1st of freshmen year..
did a few practice test, didnt hibernate studying
got a 670</p>

<p>Can SATIIs be taken at any SAT test date, ie, can I take the SATII Bio on October 9th (or whatever the actual date is) of this year?</p>

<p>no, sometimes they have only SAT I, depends on where you are from</p>

<p>no.. go to <a href=""&gt;;/a>
SAT IIs arent offered on all SAT I dates
but on most of them</p>