<p>if I'm applying EA at Yale, and I'm going to use my ACT scores instead of my SAT ones- I got a 35 ACT and a 2200 SAT-
and I'm going to take the SAT II's this weekend- Bio, Lit, and Math II-
Should I send the scores to Yale?
What if they aren't that good?
Can it hurst me?
Oh, and does the SAT II lit have an essay protion?
Stupid question, i know but.....
thank you...</p>
<p>no, its multiple choice.</p>
<p>if you are afraid that they are going to be bad, why dont you just wait and pay the money to send them after you get the scores?</p>
<p>in same position w/ a lower sat currently. I'm not sending the sat II's b/c then they'll see the sat and they only want sats or act.</p>
<p>I'm sending only my ACT.</p>
<p>36 ACT, 2210 SAT. It's a no brainer =P</p>
<p>OP, the title of this thread is fantastic.</p>
<p>I agree with andrea&c.: why aren't you planning to look at your scores before you make this decision?</p>