So I just got my SAT II scores in today... I'm guessing these are pretty bad?

<p>700 Literature
740 Mathematics Level 2
670 U.S. History </p>

<p>I got a 2150 on the regular SAT even though I'm retaking it in October, and I took the ACT but I'm waiting for the scores. I have a 3.91 GPA unweighted. Do colleges even see the SAT II's if they don't require them? </p>

<p>One more question, if I'm going to apply EA to schools, but the scores for the Oct SAT don't arrive till 3 weeks after the 9th, do the colleges have to recieve the scores before the EA deadline, or do they just have to see you sent it before the EA deadline?</p>


<p>To answer your question… Meh, they’re not great, but not “bad”.</p>

<p>those are incredible scores!!! I’ll trade you</p>



<p>Um… Sarcasm I hope?</p>

<p>The scores are not bad by any chance. They are not “amazing” by ivy standards, but for almost any other school, they’re amazingly solid.</p>

<p>Ok, they’re not horrible at least. Just average though right? If I don’t send them in colleges won’t see? Like if I submit the ACT only instead.</p>

<p>Lol, gotta love CC’ers, saying a 740 and 700 are not good scores.</p>

<p>This question is based entirely upon the caliber of schools you’re applying to: if you’re applying to Harvard, Yale, and Princeton (or similarly ranked schools), then those scores are <em>solid.</em> They’re not even bad (except the 640, that’s on the low side for Ivy standards). Any SAT II score with a 7 in front of it is a solid score, no matter where you’re applying, and for the vast majority of top colleges (excluding the Ivy League and a few others), it’s a very good score.</p>

<p>So for lower ranked schools, even a few in the top 20, your scores are, as a previous poster said, “amazingly solid.” What schools are you applying to? I can’t measure how “bad” the scores are unless I know what school you’re measuring yourself up against.</p>

<p>Well I was thinking percentile wise it wasn’t that good. At least they’re solid at worst. </p>

<p>Here’s an update: I got a 34 composite on the ACT, so I guess the SAT II’s won’t be a huge deal. My updated college list is: Boston C
Claremont McKenna C
Cornell U
Northwestern U IL
Rice U
U Chicago
U Pennsylvania
U Washington.</p>

<p>by all means they aren’t bad. you might want to raise the us a little bit. but i have the same lit score and my sat scores are only a 2200 so you dont need to raise them like 300 points</p>

<p>You better add some safeties into your list.</p>

<p>As to the October test question. All college’s that have a Nov 1 app deadline date for EA or ED accept October test scores even if they arrive after the deadline date; in fact most of them even accept Nov test scores.</p>

<p>I didn’t put my safeties in the list.</p>

<p>hey, we have a similar college list :slight_smile: and yeah i’d advise throw in a few safties, now with the common app you wont even have to put all the much effort, better to be safe than sorry :). About your scores, I think they are decent … your SAT 1 is great.
BTW, be sure you find out from your college about their policies on when the last date of giving scores are … some like MIT take till november (i hear even december!) and others october is their last. be sure.</p>

<p>Thanks for clearing that up for me goodword. I think I’m ok because of my high ACT score.</p>