SAT II Literature

<p>basically what exactly is this? tomorrow is the deadline to sign up and i need to know what im getting myself into. What exactly is the test like?</p>

<p>btw what book should i get to prepare? There is the barrons,kaplans,and princetonreview SAT II guides? any good?</p>

<p>It's an expanded version of the CR section of the Reasoning Test. By "expanded", I mean that it includes, in addition to the typical articles and short pieces, poetry, period writing, harder articles, et cetera.</p>

<p>There is no real way to cram for this exam, unlike the science and math exams. It is very similar to the CR in that it tests ability more than knowledge. If you are good at reading, then take it. If not, don't (really, don't, as cramming will not improve your likely-to-be-bad scores). Personally, I found it as easy/hard as the CR section, and got similar scores on both (740/730).</p>

<p>if you have taken AP Literature and done well, you will also do well on this test. </p>

<p>I agree with can't cram. memorize a few lit terms, but mostly, its all about ability. If you are a good literature student, and can analyze difficult passages quicky (similiar to AP passages, but poetry is slightly more challenging) you will be fine. Either you are good at it, or you arent.</p>

<p>do you think its possible to get 700+ if i got a 640 ON CR. im good at the sentence completions, but sometimes i cant compare basic ideas. I am good at main points of an essay</p>

<p>Not likely, but possible. The curve on Lit is far more generous than the SAT CR curve.</p>

<p>Your best option on the Lit test is to get the official one at the bookstore from the College Board. None of the over-the-counter books have accurate tests.</p>

<p>Take the test, and keep careful track of which quesitons you have NO CLUE about. At the end, look at the curve. You can normally miss 4 or 5 questions and still score about 800.</p>

<p>With the little time you have left to prep, try to develop your instincts for which questions to skip, and use that time for other questions that you have a shot at. Ultimately, you can score above 700 and leave a lot of questions blank. Look in the CB book to see the "exact" numbers, which can change slightly from one test to the next.</p>

<p>hmmm went to the library, picked up barrons/kaplans/princeton SAT II Literature, and got a 610 lol. My answers got progressively more correct as i went through the practice test? good sign?</p>