Hi guys, I’m planning to take the SAT II US History this summer. I haven’t known anything about the US History yet, so could you suggest some books for me to prepare for the test? (Note: Prep books won’t work for me, I need a book that teach me from the beginning because I’m not an American and I don’t have any idea what it is) :(( Sorry for my bad English.
If you don’t know anything about US history, why not take another test?
I’m blind about Math or Biology or Chemistry stuff, just thinking that history is the easiest thing that can get into my head quickly
Well, it probably wouldn’t hurt to learn some US History, even if I wouldn’t necessarily recommend trying to use it as your best choice SAT.
My kids’ main text book was The American Vision, but they supplemented it with a number of other books. The two I remember were Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States (more left-leaning and with more social history than the average textbook.) and April 1865 (about the Civil War, probably more specific than you need.)
All you need to know about America is our birthday is July 4th. You will now get a perfect score on the test
mathmom: thanks a lot. I appreciate your help.
IvyLeague225: good joke, tho, thanks anyway.
@huynhcongnamson, you may want to reconsider your plan. My kid has friends who did AP U S history, which is a very demanding class at our school. They took both the SAT 2 in US history and the AP US history test. Both are difficult to score well on, but they were a little shocked at how poorly they did in the SAT for US history. I am not,sure it is a subject yiu can easily teach yourself, but good luck if you try.
Thanks Lindagaf, what would you recommend taking in SAT II (What is the easiest one) I’m in grade 8 and so biology and chemistry and physics and math end up in grade 12
that’s what I hate about SAT II. But I have to take 2 sat II because my dream college requires that.
Get AMSCO and REA Crash Course.
@PartyNextDoor do they cover all of the US Hist?
If you’re only in 8th grade why are you taking it next year instead of waiting a few years? I agree with the others that say the US history subject test is very hard, and I’d recommend trying to do one of the others if possible. However, if you’re really set on US history, I really like America’s History 8th edition (really generic name - the first author is Henretta if you need more information to find it). But that’s a lot to learn in one year, especially if you don’t have any US history foundation.
Thanks Smythe. I will consider taking another SAT II. My 8th grade is very boring and I have plenty of free time. So I guess, I might spend some time study for SAT subject before going to exhausting high schools.
You are not in high school yet?! Slow down my friend. You will do yourself no favors by taking theses tests right now. Take SAT 2 tests when you are ready for them, not because they are easiest, or because your 8th grade self needs to get inot your dream college. Oh boy…
Thanks for the advice. I may consider taking Spanish instead
US History is of course possible to study it on your own, but it’s a tough subject, especially for non-Americans and non-native English speakers (even more so if you’re just in 8th grade), that requires very good reading comprehension skills if you’re studying on your own.
I recommend these two books, but they’re not an easy read and depending on your English comprehension level, you’re better off waiting until grade 10 or 11 to tackle them: The American Pageant and A People’s History of the United States.
If you need another SAT II test to take, I recommend Economics - it’s easy compared with US History.
Bear in mind that if you’ll be applying to college for a STEM major, some colleges will require 2 SAT II test that are science related.
What? I never heard of SAT II ‘Economics’!
What do you think if I apply for Business, what SAT II do I need to take?
Surely your dream school will list what SAT 2s they want to see. Look, you are in 8th grade. Has it occurred to you that things might change in four years time? I strongly advise you to not even consider taking tests until you are at least in 9th grade, and even then, be careful. If the tests are changed, and you take them in 9th grade, you may find that by the time you apply to college in 12th grade that your scores are too old to accept.
What you need to focus on at this point is doing well in the classes you are in. No college in the US will look at anything you do before 9th grade, unless it is something very major like winning the Intel Science award or something. Colleges in Canada and some European countries only take grades and test scores form 10th grade and above. Alos, colleges in the US care very much about what you do outside of school. So if yiu have have some clubs or hobbies you enjoy, continue to particpate in those. Now please relax and come back to college confidential for some advice in a year or so.