<p>maybe maryland?</p>
<p>If you have read barrons several times and know most things from it...</p>
<p>is 700+ possible??</p>
<p>The first thing to come to mind is Georgia, but a google search yields the Virginias (Elizabeth I), Georgia (George II), Louisiana (Louis XIV), and the Carolinas (Charles I). You'd have to be a little more specific. The Hindu Vedas were the first major religious writings to appear, I think. </p>
<p>Some more:</p>
<p>Which Mongol ruler ordered the failed attacks on Japan in the 13th century?</p>
<p>Which pope ordered the first crusade?</p>
<p>What major issue caused a schism in Islam in the 7th century, resulting in the split between Sunnis and Shiites?</p>
<p>Deference: A resounding YES. I'm using Barron's and will probably read it two or three times for the test next Saturday. It's very detailed. If you know most things from it, expect an 800.</p>
<p>okay I'll try them:</p>
<p>I think it's either Chingiz or Kublai Khan</p>
<p>Pope Urban II !??!</p>
<p>...well when Muhammad died a controversy arosed over succession. One group of people (Sunni I think) thought that his successor should be a relative of Ali and the others thought he should be elected.</p>
<p>Which two countries were not subjugated during the era of imperialist expansion in Africa in the 19th century ?</p>
<p>Bit rusty on this subject but... Liberia and Ethiopia?</p>
<p>s'vrone, it is the Rig Veda to be specific, according to barrons, and my religion :p</p>
<p>It's Kublai Khan. Pope Urban II and the succession issue are correct.</p>
<p>WARNING: DO NOT, I REITERATE DO NOT use Barron's.</p>
<p>It is ...figure it out. It was written before the test. For christ's sake everything in it is wrong.</p>
<p>Here's a sample review Q: Which continent did NOT have slavery?</p>
<p>A: Antarctica</p>
<p>Yeah. Barron's sucks for every test. Seldom updated, etc. People say they do better; obviously!, the stuff is hard and superfluous!</p>
<p>The tests in the Barron's book are woefully inaccurate. They ask you random little things that you'll never ever need to know.</p>
<p>Give it a break, guys. Barron's just uses a different approach; they overprepare you for the test. Some people like taking hard tests so they can breathe a sigh of relief when they take the real one. Newyorker, I've read through the entire Barron's book, but I can't seem to remember that question. Surely I'd remember something so dumb.</p>
<p>Lol. If you wanna see it that way. Maybe I was offended because I got a 710 on the Barron's test and 800 on the real thing without having to guess a single question.</p>
<p>Yeah. I wouldn't trust any prep book not distributed by the College Board though. If you ever take SAT IIs again consider going to the book store for an hour or so just to take a test from the Real SAT IIs book to get an idea. It saves a lot of anxiety ;-).</p>
<p>There's good overprep and bad overprep.</p>
<p>Good overprep is when our Calc AB teacher killed us on tests and assaulted us with homework and so forth for the AP Exam and prepping us for college.</p>
<p>Barron's is pointless. The POINT of a review book is as the name suggests: review of material needed. Barron's doesn't seem to understand that, and is updated every 4-5 years. Would you use a 5 year old textbook to study for an AP Exam? No.</p>
<p>Good thing about PR and Kaplan is, is that they actually spend $$$$$ to research and develop questions. Barron's is written foolishly.</p>
<p>During which chinese dynasty the great wall of china was connected ?</p>
<p>Who succeeds Muhammad Reza Pahlavi in Iran after the revolution ?</p>
<p>What is the Balfour declaration ?</p>
<p>Hey do you think Princeton Review's AP World History book is enough to study for the SATII World History?</p>
<p>I have so many SATII prep books at my house (Bio, Chem, Lit, US History) but I don't think I'll do so well on those subjects. So, I need a 3rd subject test (I already took Japanese and Math IC) and I figured that since I got a 5 on AP World History, I should give the subject test a shot. What do you think? Does AP and SATII test for different things. Can I just use the APWH prep book to study for the SATII?</p>
<p>if you know Barron's APWH review (note, NOT Barron's SATII) inside out, you'll be fine.</p>
<p>so basically barron's SAT II is useless? i thought the prep material is in depth and covers a good deal of material for the SAT II, although the tests might be screwed up.</p>