<p>applying to harvard yale cornell, with sat ii's 800 math ii, 740 chem, 720 bio M. am I Screwed for harv cuz these scores, except math, are not over 750 and they look at 3 sat ii's? what about yale and cornell, which look at 2?</p>

<p>bump 10 char</p>

<p>SAT I all over 750 CR W and M. will 740 and 800 cut it for yale?</p>

<p>They are fine for Yale:) The scores won’t keep you out if you’re fabulous in every other aspect, nor will they get you in if they’re all that you can offer.</p>

<p>orly?? lol, i was getting worried.</p>

<p>lol high test scores only won’t get anywhere right?</p>

<p>other opinions?</p>

<p>bump 10 char</p>

<p>It’s weird…my friend, who is a freaking genius, got rejected from Yale and she had scores higher than yours.
In fact, the top 8 students in my school who applied early to Yale all got rejected.
Like xrCalico23 said, if you only have grades and test scores to offer, you won’t get in.
I sincerely hope that you have amazing, consistent extracurriculars, leadership, and awards to back up your good scores (b/c your scores are good).</p>

<p>so your genius friend…was she just a test scores person, or was she good with EC’s,awards, etc?</p>

<p>^Oh, sadly, you can have both amazing scores and amazing extracurricular achievements and still be rejected/waitlisted. It happens all the time. There is really little point in comparing yourself to anyone else.</p>