sat is dumb. who's with me?

<p>"november got 2400 w/ 12 essay (after I memorized the formula for writing the sat essay)"</p>

<p>Does that not account for studying? So let me get this straight- over the span of three years, all you did was memorize the essay "formula"? I could be half stoned and that still wouldn't make any sense. Judging from your posts, you're obviously confused. Do me a favor: next time you feel the urge to cry over a standardized test and label it as "dumb", keep it to your self- Its embarrassing.</p>

<p>who am I embarrassing? myself? you? are you sleeping with someone at collegeboard or something?</p>

<p>and okay fine, figuring out how to write the essay = studying. FINE, i studied. happy?
okay, freshman year I got a 9 - which was better than the first two essays I did junior/senior year. Why? I re-read my ninth grade one and I realized it was simple and straightforward. I wasn't fancy or complex---just wrote it in standard 5 paragraph. soph-senior year my writing changed. Why? I got more fancy. I tried not to stick with the structure and I started writing whimsically, and that writing translated to my SAT essays cuz I didn't prepare. the essay I wrote in June, I wrote less than 3/4 of a page bcuz I spent the 1st 10 minutes trying to be clever and trying to ace it. 2nd time I did a little better but I didn't realize they were looking for specific things in you arguments. I made theoretical arguments. Thus, after doing relatively poorly on the essay twice, I picked up a book, asked around, and learned that SAT essay is very "formula writing" -- meaning there are elements that are necessary to obtaining a good score -- length being one of them.</p>

<p>AND FINE, its not "dumb" -- it's just flawed.</p>

<p>Okay yes. I'll be honest -- I would hate to be talking about this stuff to people I know which is why I'm asking on College CONFIDENTIAL. Isn't that the point?
I just don't get why you are hating.</p>

<p>You're not "asking" anything. You just made a ignorant statement, and we're just letting you know that your statement fails. The SAT has its flaws, but those are not the flaws that cause score fluctuation- As you pointed out, it's merely human imperfection. We all have "those" days- so if anything is "dumb" or flawed, it would just be you. Case closed.</p>

<p>Wow, you found a clever way to post your great SAT scores without coming across as an arrogant ****head. Nice.</p>