<p>My fault, waited until the last day to sign up...... but the only locations available on Long Island are over an hour away... or there are a few in NJ, CT, upstate NY .... really??!!! cross a bridge to take an exam!!!
This is my 2nd child... we've done this before (including full SAT & subject tests, we've signed up over 9 times).... NEVER had this experience...
Is it because it's the last one until September and all the kids in prep classes signed up.... or are they offering less seats to have more control in light of the recent SAT controversy (fraudulent test takers)....<br>
Has anyone EVER had to go past an hour's drive?.... not rural areas ....... there must be well over 100 schools sold out.</p>
<p>I am <em>guessing</em> that this is a side effect of the stricter scrutiny. Standbys are probably not available, so schools that used to put you on standby now just say 'we are full, sorry. I’m basing this on rumours that schools with increased security don’t want to deal with the issue of standby test-takers.</p>
<p>isnt standby registration available until september?</p>
<p>D signed up for the June SAT II Bio 2 a couple of days ago and had a hard time finding a school close by–there were at least 8 schools just 10-20 minutes away from us that were all closed out. The place where she ended up was still on LI and 25 minutes away. Some of her friends didn’t register until the next day and are shocked that they’re going to CT for the test.</p>
<p>@32college, wow…</p>
<p>Well, my son took an SAT II over a thousand miles from home because it was the same weekend as his CMU visit, but I know that’s not your question. I’ll tell you anyway so you know you’re not alone and to give perspective. Her goes…It was an epic journey to get me there so I could help him get to the school at an early hour when dark, take a cab because my drivers license had expired unnoticed and I couldn’t rent a car, stand outside in the dark in a strange town when it was three degrees and icy, then sit there while he took the test, knowing it was too cold to walk to the little downtown in that suburb we picked because it was safer than the closer places. It was worth it as it turns out that test (Physics) was required by the school he went to though we hadn’t noticed that before and he got an 800. But, what we do as parents to help our kids is something else. It basically cost me a thousand dollars, nearly getting frostbitten and massively annoying my boss for me to go with him on that trip so he could take that SAT II.</p>
<p>I know someone who had to take the SAT in another country.</p>
<p>@Journier: Just completely out of curiosity since I’m in Western PA, which district/school did he end up taking it at? I’m glad it worked out for you guys :)</p>
<p>Do standby, there is almost always people who don’t show up. Just bring all the required materials and show up early.</p>
<p>So, since it was subject tests that are not required, I decided to just wait, and see what happened… Also I contacted his guidance counselor (great guy, he was helpful with my older son in so many ways)… he advised that stand-by would be avail, and as long as he was there early, he’d do everything in his power to get him in… then… he called our phones at work to advise more seats released… so, late fee paid… and he’s at his home school. I think that either the schools / or college board are trying to get a handle on this fraud thing and reducing seats MAY have seemed the best option… but NONE of these schools prefer out of towners to come in where the chance for fraud is easier… better to recognize your own students, right? Just my thoughts… anyway… to anyone else who booked far from home… re-check…</p>