<p>I'm thinking -1 = 780. What do you think.</p>
<p>I have no clue, but -1 = 780 is way too harsh.</p>
<p>^ nahhh the Lit curve is pretty damn brutal.</p>
<p>Are you joking -1 =780??? No…just no…you have much to learn</p>
<p>no! all my prep books said that we could miss like 4-5 and still get an 800.</p>
<p>strong SAT I math in this thread</p>
<p>Iwaswalking your comment doesn’t make sense… 6-7 blank =800 for lit</p>
<p>the -1=780 curve they’re talking about seemed like the usual curve for the SAT I math to me</p>
<p>Yeah…too bad that wasn’t the case in NOVEMBER! SCREW YOU, COLLEGEBOARD!!!</p>
<p>lol, iwaswalking, I got a -1 for a 760 in Nov on the SAT I. :(</p>
<p>^ omg that is an unimaginably horrendous curve haha, i thought -1=780 for math was pretty bad</p>
<p>^ yeah…no joke. I was so *<strong><em>ed. First, I got just the numerical score: 760, and I was like “</em></strong>, I aced it!” Then, when I got the full score report and it said “Missed: 1” I just about hit the roof haha. If I hadn’t made that stupid mistake…</p>
<p>When I took the March SAT I I omitted one question, got every other one right. Got a 770. I was so confused. I took it in june, got 1 wrong, every other one right, 790. Go figure.</p>
<p>uh, digression? this is about the lit curve… duh.</p>