SAT math help please!!!!!!

<p>I struggled during the math sections of the sat when i first took it in march, and now im doing practice tests and prep book tests for the sat again and i still have trouble with the math. I have Barron's 2400 sat prep book, but it doesnt go into great detail about how to solve the questions, all their explanations are vague. I am about to purchace Barron's math workbook for the new sat, i think that might help me. But still!! I am spending 4 hours a day studying for the sat, and it just doesnt seem fair, why should i spend all this time for one parents are paying taxes for this stuff to be taught in school!! ..but back on subject..i need hlep with math on the sat!!!!!</p>

<p>Have you tried looking at Gruber's? Now, Gruber's test prep guide is not just for math, so I'd get it from the library if you can. Before you buy a test prep book you should look at some of the problems and the explanations and think about whether it's really worth getting. The best way to improve is to look at your mistakes and see what you're doing wrong. I don't understand why people spend over an hour a day studying for the SAT. I mean, I don't know what there is to study that could take that much time. You clearly don't know how to do the math, since you need help on the explanations. So why do you continue using the Barron's book if it's no good? That's clearly a waste of time, and you clearly need to try something else.</p>