SAT optional colleges and sticker price of tuition

<p>I notice there are some SAT optional colleges/universities. The deal is for your child to apply Early Decision and SAT is waived. I am also under the impression if your child applies Early Decision, there is significantly reduced chance of merit aid because the school knows your child really wants to attend as first choice. Any opinions? Any one know of SAT optional schools where merit aid is possible?</p>

<p>Some of the test optional schools do ask the student for test scores to be evaluated for scholarships.</p>

<p>I second the warning …
My daughter applied to a few SAT optional schools this year and provided SAT scores to all - that is the only way she could be considered for merit aid/scholarships. So scores are only optional in most cases for admission - not scholarships.</p>

<p>The SAT-optional schools with which I am most familiar–Bates and Bowdoin–do not require that you apply ED or EA. On the other hand, they are very selective. and most of the money available is need-based.</p>

<p>They also do know what you get on the SAT, because every hs transcript shows their SAT/ACT scores. In essence, all they are saying is we will accept the school verification of the scores and you don’t need college board to send them directly.</p>

<p>I think it is becoming a marketing tool for many colleges, usually the lower tier. I know CNU, and Drexel offered this option to our DD. They also waived the application fee and promised an answer within 5 days of receiving their transcript. Neither of them required ED or EA for this option.</p>

<p>For a current list of test optional colleges and universities see [The</a> National Center for Fair & Open Testing | FairTest](<a href=“”></p>

<p>There are many different ways of making it onto this list. Some places won’t look at scores for any reason, others don’t need scores if you meet certain GPA criteria, others don’t need scores for admission but require them for merit scholarships or a special program, etc. You really do have to investigate each case.</p>

<p>As for ACT/SAT scores appearing on a HS transcript, this is not universal practice. And, of course, if your kid never takes those exams the score can’t show up in the first place!</p>


A lot of high schools don’t show scores. I went to battle over that for D1 and D2’s school doesn’t do it at all.</p>

<p>Muhlenberg is test optional for admissions but requires scores for scholarship consideration.</p>

<p>Anyone have any idea of GPA needed to be considered for merit aid without the SATs?
Is GPA the only factor or do you need a long list of other impressive awards, activities, etc.? Thanks so much.</p>

<p>mdcissp: the only school I am aware of that is ED optional only for ED is American U in DC; in terms of what GPA is needed, best to ask their admission people; apparently their ED apps were up 40% this year with the SAT optional…</p>

<p>other schools that are SAT optional, GPA depends on the school…it really varies (as we have found)</p>

<p>We went to American U. and heard the presentation, plus walked around the campus. It would be a transfer option as I don’t want to pay $50,000 a year. I recall needing very high GPA to be considered for merit aid at American University. My son feels that AU is wrong for him because the bulk of the profiles shown at the presentation were for kids who want to be involved with government and politics. AU is a great school for kids who want to intern in DC with gov. agencies.</p>



<p>Not every hs transcript does. That’s at the individual hs discretion.</p>

<p>We toured American, and S is very interested, but I agree - I don’t think it would be a great choice for someone not interested in politics, government and interning in DC.</p>