<p>Hey, I'd appreciate anyone who can answer me asap. When you send your SAT score report to colleges online through Collegeboard, do they include your personal profile (your GPA, intended major,...etc) that you provided them with when you first signed up with Collegeboard? When I receive my score reports (paper), I remember there were sections that had your GPA (for instance, A-) and intended major (for instance, Biology) and so on....</p>
<p>Help is much appreciated!</p>
<p>Or, will they only get the scores?</p>
<p>They only get the scores of all the SAT tests you’ve taken. :)</p>
<p>Like he/she said. Just the scores.</p>
<p>New question: On a Yale Scale, I did pretty bad on the SAT [2060] but average on the ACT 33. I self-reported my SAT scores, but should I bother sending in an official report? [I already sent in the official ACT with writing]</p>
<p>Not that worse than me, I got a 2090. :D</p>
<p>Thanks a lot guys. Don’t worry too much you two…I heard from an admissions staff that 2100+ will be just fine. Relax. I know it’s so tough.</p>
<p>if one test is higher than the other, then they’ll look at that one with no problem… if you get a 33 ACT but a 2040 SAT, that’s fine… a 2040 isn’t a bad score… it means you can reason pretty well… but the 33 will be the defining test they’ll look at… my SAT isn’t as high as high as my ACT (2120 vs. 35), but sent in both just to show i can take both tests more-or-less equally well (i took the nov. SAT, so maybe my score went up close to a 2200, but it really doesn’t matter since my ACT is where it’s at… which is the same situation as you)</p>